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V International agroindustrial forum "Agroforum - 2008"
Dates: 12.11.2008 - 14.11.2008
Place: Ukraine / Kiev
15 Brovarskoy avenue, m. "Levoberezhnaya"
Organizer: Expo-centre "Gospodar", "International exhibiton center" Ltd.
Invitation ordering
Expo-place ordering


11-th All Ukrainian contest for the best Farming enterprise, Farmer cooperative and Subsidiary holding of Ukraine will be held during the Forum, it is planned to hold conferences, presentations of Ukrainian and foreign producers and suppliers for agroindustrial complex, presentation of innovative technologies, innovative decisions and designs in this field.

Main task of international “AGROFORUM-2008’: promotion to development of market relations in agroindustrial complex of Ukraine, further integration of AIC of Ukraine in international market structures, maintenance of appropriate market infrastructure, attracting to handling of the current problems in the branch, revising of leading technologies providing ecologically clean products.

Forum profiles:

-agricultural equipment, and spare parts to it;
-commission agricultural facilities and equipment;
-irrigation and drainage equipment;
- mechanical appliances for small agricultural enterprise, farming enterprises, summer cottages;
-food and processing industry equipment;
-modern technologies of production, cropping, storage of crops, Packing of agricultural products;
-agricultural building, warehouses and warehouse equipment;
-feed production (technologies and equipment), preparation and storage of feeds;
-innovative food rations for animals and birds, concentrates, premixes, food and vitamin additives;
- gardening, wine growing, hothouse facilities, ecological aspects of technologies in plant growing, an irrigation and modern system of seed-growing;
- biotechnologies, quality assurance of agricultural raw material and products;
- technologies of the closed ground; * ecologically safe protection facilities for plants, fertilizers and technologies of their application;
- modern technologies and the equipment for cultivation, leaving and maintenances in breeding animal industries, poultry farming, beekeeping;
Genetics and selection in plant growing and animal industries
veterinary medecine.

Participation terms:

Participation in the exhibition
Documents for participation in the exhibition are following:

- Application-Contract with annexes.
- Participation conditions.

Annexes and conditions are inherent part of Application-Contract.

In order to participate in the exhibition Exhibitor sends to Organizer filled Application-Contract with signatures and stamps including all necessary annexes. Exhibitor confirms his/her consent with these conditions by signed Application-Contract.

Application-Contract can be presented no later than before month of the exhibition.

Applications submitting later are considered in the case of free exhibition areas.

Organization fee: 162ˆ.

Cost of distance participation:

Cost of distance participation includes information in the catalogue, 1 badge, placement of advertising printed materials on the information stand.

Order payment:

After Organizer’s receiving of filled and stamped Application-Contract, Organiser sends invoice to Exhibitor.

The payment is made during 3 banking days.

The prices are given including VAT and HR.

The payment is made in local currency of Ukraine by transferring to the operating account.

Depending on the exhibition area the following ratios of cost enlargement are used:

corner location (2open sides) –1,2;
front location (3open sides) –1,25;
insular location (4open sides) – 1,3.

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