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V International specialized exhibition. "Weapon and safety 2008"
Dates: 01.10.2008 - 04.10.2008
Place: Ukraine / Kiev
Brovarskoy avenue 15, (m. "Levoberezhnaya")
Organizer: Ministry of Internal affairs of Ukraine, "International exhibiton center" Ltd.
Branch:Security and safety
Invitation ordering
Expo-place ordering


Main exhibition profiles:

- Assault and duty-service weapon;
- Civil weapon:

- hunting weapon;
- sports weapon;
-self-defense weapon;

- Museum, antiquarian (historical) weapon;
- Arm blanche;
- Optics and equipment;
- Ammunition (cartridges, bullets, pomegranates);
- Explosives and pyrotechnic facilities;
- Shooting simulators and accessories;
- Military facilities. Air defence missile systems and artillery systems. Modernization and repair of combat material and arms;
- Target designating and armament control systems.
- Armor facilities. Regimentals. Equipment.
Tactical equipment. Ammunition. Special materials;

- Antiterrorist equipment and facilities;
- Equipment for the boundary and customs control;
- Special technical facilities for divisions of militia;
- Investigation and control technical facilities, criminal investigation technique;
- Communication, automation and protection of information facilities;
- Supporting means:

- integrated safety systems;
- video observation;
- control and access restriction;
- detectors for protection of the closed premises and opened grounds;
- automobile warning systems and antijoy ride devices;

- Special vehicles;

- cars for defense and law enforcement agencies, special light and sound signals equipment;
- water and air transport (the policeman, military, multi-purpose);
- armor, transport for a difficult terrain;

- Technologies and equipment of double application;
- Innovative projects, high technologies and development.

Participation terms:

Organization fee is 165€.

The prices are given with VAT and AC.

For residents of Ukraine the payment is made in local currency of Ukraine by transferring to Organizer's current account.

Depending on the exhibition area the following ratios of cost enlargement are used:

corner location (2open sides) – 1,2;
front location (3open sides) – 1,25;
insular location (4open sides) – 1,3.

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