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Optimizing for the CPG Vertical

The Consumer Packaged Goods vertical represents companies that design and produce consumables such as Food, Beverages, Health, Beauty, Baby, Pet, and Cleaning Products. Their marketing goals typically focus on increasing brand awareness. This cheat sheet will focus on the most common challenges and solutions for CPG advertisers using search to build their customer base.

As always, when running Google AdWords™ advertising, make sure your ads comply with our guidelines, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. For more details, please review our Terms and Conditions.

 Identifying Your Goals

The first step to making your campaign successful is identifying exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Common goals for CPG advertisers are:

   •  Site traffic
   •  Sweepstakes registration
   •  Newsletter registration
   •  Sample giveaway registration
   •  Coupon downloads
   •  Product sales

 Launch Campaign with Highest Volume Potential

Include a wide variety of Ad Groups and keywords. Be prepared to carefully analyze keyword performance and then expand around successful keywords and deleted poor performers.

   •  Include both Ad Groups relating to areas on the site (branded product details, branded sweepstakes, etc.) as well as equity space Ad Groups (beauty tips, recipes, cleaning advice).
   •  Write extremely targeted ad text for each specific Ad Group and use dynamic keyword insertion for equity space Ad Groups to increase relevancy of ads.
TIP: Common Ad Groups
- Newsletter
- Sweepstakes
- Coupon Offer
- Product Info
- Cleaning Tips
- Recipes
- Generic Household
- Generic Beauty Products
- Free Sample
- Beauty Advice
- Product Purchase
- Promotional/Holiday Offers

 Adhere Closely to the Promotional Calendar

Pay close attention to a brand’s promotional calendar and be prepared to launch new promotional keywords/ad text the day the promotion goes live.

   •  Site content will usually change around seasons and holidays.
   •  When a new product or sweepstakes is announced in print or on TV you will want your ad to be there when someone searches for more information online.
   •  Pause ads promoting special offers when they are no longer available and post ads for new special offers right away.

  Driving Conversions

Include strong messaging in your creative to let the users know what you want them to do on your site. Send users to the landing page where they can then partake in that action. (See tip.)
TIP: Make Your Offer Compelling
Entice your audience with compelling offers. Certain offers resonate with the BIM audience.

1) Free Trial
2) White Paper Download
3) Webinar/Web Seminar

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