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Solutions for Telecom

Telecom products and services are universal – there is no niche audience – everyone needs a communications device (Wireless, Land Line, VoIP, Broadband).

Today's consumers are growing more savvy and sophisticated. Before they sign on for a service, they do research. And they turn to the Web and search engines like Google to help inform their decisions.

The Google AdWords™ program helps Telecom marketers reach these consumers at all stages of the buying cycle – while they're doing initial research, comparing specific options or getting ready to purchase. The result? Highly-qualified traffic, with increased sales and ROI to match.

Here's why Google can help you drive traffic and sales for your Telecom business:
Related links:
• Case Studies:
• Tips for Success
• Research
• Video Testimonial

 Consumers Rely on Search Engines*

 Google Can Help Generate Awareness and Sales*

55% of users start with a search engine first when researching Telecom services, i.e. phone, Internet, or wireless plans.

 The customers are there – get them before your competition does! *

Almost 2 in 3 users (64%) are planning to purchase Telecom services online in the next six months, especially VoIP and Wireless phone plans.

 AdWords Works for Telecom Clients of All Sizes and Budgets
  • Google AdWords is an effective tool for resellers and providers of all shapes and sizes. The auction-based program provides a highly efficient, highly accountable platform for driving cost-efficient traffic and sales.
  • Google has many geo-targeting options for clients with limited service areas.
  • With Google AdWords you're in complete control of your budget and can pause, increase or decrease your spend at any time without penalty.
 By a wide margin, Google is the most popular search engine used to research or purchase Telecom services*

* According to a survey of 300 consumers that use the web to research and/or purchase Telecommunications Services, conducted by GMI and Media-Screen on behalf of Google (March 2005).

Ready to sign up? Contact sales, click here to create your account or have one of our specialists design a campaign for you.

Sell your stuff on Google for free by uploading them to Google Base.

Last updated December 2005.