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Subscribers - Mobile Conference
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Mobile Conference

Distance – is no obstacle to your important meeting!

Use our new service “Mobile conference” – which offers you the possibility to communicate simultaneously with 60 MTS subscribers!
The service allows you to create multilateral telephone conferences. In contrast to standard GSM-service, today up to 60 members may simultaneously participate in one conference. Any MTS and JEANS subscriber may become the Coordinator (initiator) or a Participant of the conference.
In order to start using the “Mobile conference” service, the Coordinator has to perform three simple steps:
    • Register at the site
    • Set up the service. The conference may work permanently with the unchangeable membership or be scheduled for the appointed date for the selected members participation.
    • Plan the conference. Upon your request the Participants may be sent an SMS-invitation to the conference.


Using the Internet service site, the conference Coordinator has the possibility to:
    • Guide the behavior of the participants in real-time mode.
    • Record an audio-file of the conference (each Participant of the conference being recorded will be informed about this before his/her joining the conference).
    • Receive conference statistics after its completion.


In order to join the Conference the Participant has to:
    • Call at 210 from his/her mobile phone.
    • Follow the instructions of the Voice menu.


The cost of the call at 210 is 0.50 UAH/min. The call set-up fee is 0.27 UAH (charged for each call).
The tariffs include VAT (without pension fund tax) as of February 01, 2007.
The number of technical support for the service is 8 (044) 461 0713 (24-hours). The cost of the call refers to tariffs of your package.