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Development of Computer Science and Technologies in Ukraine.Computers for Testing Rockets
Computers for Testing Rockets
The Map of Museum
Development of Computer Science and Technologies in Ukraine. Brief History
Ukrainian    Russian

The First Serially Produced Onboard Computer

Iлюстрацiї. Додатковi матерiали

Обчислювальна технiка для ракет та космiчних систем
За матерiалами книг Б.М.Малиновського
Характеристики бортових комп'ютерiв
Перша серiйна бортова ЕОМ
Про це знали не всi
Iлюстрацiї   Додатковi матерiали

Vladimir Sergeev Anatoliy Krivonosov
Jacob Ayzenberg S.A.Afanas'ev, S.N.Koniukhov, S.I.Us
Boris Vasilenko Dmitriy Topchiy
Anatoliy Gudimenko Boris Vasilenko, Gherman Titov, A.M.Voitenko
Dmitriy Topchiy, Yuriy Malyshev Vitaliy Zholobov, Pavel Popovich
Сosmonaut Yuriy Glazkov Сosmonaut Gherman Titov
Volodymir Shcherbitskii, Yuriy Yel'chenko Tsiklon carrier rocket
Energiya carrier rocket Zenith carrier rocket

| The Map of Museum |
| Early history |  "Thinking" Computer | First Stored Program Computer in Continental Europe |
| From the Cybernetics to Information Technology |
| Control Computers for Industry | Military on-Board, Submarine Computers | Computers for Testing Rockets |
| The first steps in Microelectronics |
| Microelectronics technology. Past and Future. | Cardiosurgeon, cybernetician, writer |
| Ukrainian Lady Lovelace | Unique Computers | The Leader of computer indusry in Ukraine |
| Photo Gallery | Books on History of Computer Science |
| Chronology of Computer Science and Technology Development in Ukraine |