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in English

Научные исследования о Трансцендентальной Медитации (ТМ)

"Я не знаю никакого другого способа мобилизовать эти огромные ресурсы нашего мозга - мобилизовать неклассические дополнительные пути нейрокибернетической системы. В программе ТМ мы имеем совершенно естественный метод раскрытия полного потенциала мозга. [...]
ТМ не только раскрепощает сознание от стрессов и настраивает его на более упорядоченный лад, но и заостряет интеллект, повышает скорость реакции и работоспособность каждого - от спортсмена-спринтера до ученого-аналитика. [...]
Исследования показывают, что если вы хотите быть гораздо более разумным человеком, иметь гораздо лучшую интуицию, чтобы ваши действия приносили больше результатов, обучитесь технологии Трансцендентальной Медитации. Эти данные говорят о том, что это очень мощная технология, и она может не только мобилизовать дополнительные возможности мозга, но и обладает способностью реорганизовать жизнь человека в позитивном направлении. Я могу лично подтвердить это".
Н.Н. Любимов, академик, профессор, доктор медицинских наук, директор лаборатории нейрокибернетики Института Мозга Российской АМН

За последние 25 лет учеными 200 университетов и научно-исследовательских институтов 30 стран мира было проведено свыше 500 научных исследований по ТМ. Результаты этих исследований подтверждают, что ТМ оказывает беспрецедентное влияние на все стороны жизни человека - развитие умственного потенциала, здоровье, поведение и жизнь всего общества в целом. Исследования показали, что уникальны и физиологические изменения, которые ТМ вызывает, и диапазон и значимость ее благотворных результатов. Ни одна другая техника медитации, ни один другой метод личностного развития не были изучены таким тщательным образом, как Трансцендентальная Медитация. С самого начала основатель ТМ Махариши Махеш Йоги, физик по образованию, всячески поощрял ученых в их желании объективно подтвердить пользу ТМ, которую ощущали в своих жизнях миллионы простых людей во всем мире.

Эти научные работы были опубликованы в таких ведущих научных журналах, как Science, American Journal of Physiology, Scientific American, Lancet, Journal of Counseling Psychology, International Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Conflict Resolution и другие. Репринты статей можно заказать по адресу:
Institute for Scientific Research,
Maharishi University of Management,
Fairfield, IA 52557 USA


  • Рост интеллекта
  • Увеличение творческих способностей
  • Расширение понимания
  • Улучшение восприятие
  • Рост упорядоченности
  • Снижение давления крови
  • Улучшение здоровья
  • Снижение беспокойности
  • Снижение числа госпитализаций
  • Снижение количетсва посещений врача
  • Уменьшение стрессов
  • Замедление старения
  • Изменения в дыхании
  • Глубокий отдых
  • Рост продуктивности
  • Отношения на работе
  • Снижение употребления наркотиков
  • Самоактулизация
  • Рост самоосознания
  • Увелечение спокойствия
Окружающая среда
  • Улучшение качества жизни
  • Снижение преступности
  • Уменьшение количества насильственных смертей
  • Снижение конфликтности

  • Исследования академика Любимова (НИИ головного мозга Российской Академии Медицинских Наук)
  • ТМ против сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний
  • Уменьшение сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и смертности у практикующих ТМ
  • http://www.tmnews.ru/lubimov.html - Трансцендентальная Медитация развивает полный потенциал мозга - Доклад Академика Любимова Н. Н. на Третьей Международной Конференции по Несокрушимой Обороне, Флодроп, Голландия, 31 марта - 2 апреля 1995 г.
  • http://tm.rost.ru/tm.html - Трансцендентальная медитация раскрывает творческий потенциал - Более 600 научных исследований, проведенных более чем в 200 университетах 30 стран мира, подтверждают широкий диапазон благотворного влияния этих технологий на ум, тело, поведение и окружение человека.
  • http://ddcity.boom.ru/tm.htm#hop3 - Научное подтверждение пользы ТМ - Исследования по ТМ были опубликованы в таких ведущих мировых научных журналах, как Sciеnсе, American Journal of Phisiology,Scientific American, Lancet, Journal of Counseling Phisiology, International Journal of Neuroscince, Journal of the Canadian Medical Asspciation, British Journal of Educational Phisiology, Journal of Conflict Resolution и др.
  • http://mvu.narod.ru/mvu-lubimov.html - Доклад академика Любимова в Комитет по Высшему образованию - Институт Мозга при АМН России рекомендует всем учебным заведениям применение Трансцендентальной Медитации для преподавателей и студентов, как научно обоснованной технологии развития гармонической личности и улучшения учебного процесса.
  • http://www.tmnews.ru/tm.html - Научные исследования программы ТМ - Статистический мета-анализ 42 независимых исследований показывает, что влияние программы ТМ на рост самореализации гораздо выше, чем влияние других видов медитации и релаксации, что выражается в интеграции и стабильности личности, самоуважении, эмоциональной зрелости, способности к теплым межличностным взаимоотношениям и адаптации к сложным условиям.
  • Scientific researches on Transcendental Meditation (TM)

    Over 500 studies have been completed on the physiological, psychological, and sociological effects of the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs, making it perhaps the most intensively studied technology in the field of human development. These studies have been conducted at 210 different universities and research institutions in 27 countries, and articles have now appeared in more than 100 scientific journals. These studies have been gathered in Scientific Research on the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs Volumes 1-6, containing over 4'000 pages of scientific papers in the Bibliography of 508 TM program studies.

    Improved Mental Abilities: Increased intelligence, increased creativity, improved learning ability, improved memory, improved reaction time, higher levels of moral reasoning, improved academic achievement, greater orderliness of brain functioning, increased self-actualization.
    Improved Health: Reduced stress and anxiety, reduced hospitalization, reduced incidence of disease, reduced need for out-patient medical care, reduced health care costs, reduced use of alcohol and drugs, improved cardiovascular health, reduced physical complaints, increased longevity.
    Improved Social Behavior: Improved self-confidence, reduced anxiety, improved family life, improved relationships at home and at work, increased tolerance, improved job performance, increased job satisfaction.

    During Transcendental Meditation technique the individual's awareness settles down and experiences the simplest form of human awareness -- Transcendental Consciousness -- where consciousness is open to itself.
    Transcendental Consciousness has been found by physiological research to be a fourth major state of consciousness, a state of restful alertness, distinct from the commonly experienced states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
    The experience of Transcendental Consciousness develops the individual's latent creative potential while dissolving accumulated stress and fatigue through the deep rest gained during the practice. This experience enlivens creativity, dynamism, orderliness, and organizing power in one's awareness, which results in increasing effectiveness and success in daily life.
    In the past four decades the Transcendental Meditation program has been learned by over four million people of all cultures, religions, and educational backgrounds worldwide. In any setting, with any population, this technology has been found to produce the same holistic and beneficial results.
    Research has further confirmed that large groups practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in one place radiate an influence of orderliness and harmony in the society at large. This influence has been measured by a wide range of social variables, such as reduced crime, accidents, sickness, violence, and war casualties; improved economic trends; and enhanced quality of life. Validated by more than 40 studies in the past 20 years at the city, state, national and international levels, this phenomenon is called the Extended Maharishi Effect.

  • http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/lc/papers/15.html - Interdisciplinary Studies Programs with a Consciousness-based Approach to Increase Holistic Development  - Because nature is found to be orderly, man's mind by nature has the power to order; therefore it is the element of orderliness, or intelligence itself, common to both man and nature, that is fundamental to all knowledge.
  • http://www.mum.edu/tm_research/summary_tm_res.html - Summary of Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Program  - The scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the largest and strongest body of research in the world on any program to develop human potential. The more than 500 scientific studies conducted at 200 independent universities and institutions in 33 countries and published in over 100 leading scientific journals have documented that this technology benefits every sphere of life: physiological, psychological, sociological, and ecological. Compiled and Edited by David Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., Dean of Research Maharishi International University.
  • http://www.maharishi.org/tm/research/508_studies.html - Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Program, Collected Papers   - 508 studies listed by volume with annotations that summarize their findings.
  • http://www.chronicpainsolutions.com/articles/edsmithsummer98.htm - TM Results in Reduced Stress, Speedier Recovery - by D. Edward Smith, MD. Technique can be used by specialists in chronic pain disorders to reduce stress and speed recovery. It can even be a means to prevent future illness. Article from Chronic Pain Solutions Quarterly, Summer 99.
  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_410000/410003.stm - Meditation lowers blood pressure  - Transcendental meditation may be one way to keep the heart healthy, say researchers who have discovered how it keeps blood pressure low. BBC Online 2 Aug 99.
  • http://www.alltm.org/pages/cancerresearch.html - Maharishi Ayurved Achieves A Breakthrough In The Field Of Cancer Treatment  - Representing a major breakthrough in overcoming the problems associated with chemotherapy, the findings are the result of a two year long study undertaken at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (press release from AIIMS).
  • http://www.psychosomatic.org/v61n899.html#525 - Effects of Transcendental Meditation on Hemodynamic Functioning in Middle-Aged Adults  - Some studies have demonstrated that Transcendental Meditation (TM) reduces high blood pressure, but the hemodynamic adjustments behind these blood pressure reductions have not been elucidated. The aim of this study was to provide a preliminary investigation of the acute effects of TM on TPR. Psychosomatic Medicine 1999;61:524-531
  • http://www.fek.su.se/Home/gus/PAPERS/Tmmgmtte.htm - The Effects of Meditation on Two Top Management Teams  - By Bengt Gustavsson, Department of Business Administration, University of Stockholm.
  • http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/meditation.htm - Transcendental Meditation Improves Health  - Health care costs reduced more than 50% for individuals practicing TM. Hospital admissions 87% less for cardiovascular disease, 55% less for cancer, 87% less for diseases of the nervous system, and 73% less for nose, throat, and lung problems.
  • http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/ccog.1999.0403 - EEG Patterns during Eyes-Closed Rest and Transcendental Meditation Practice: Neural Model of TM Practice - In this single-blind within-subject study, autonomic and EEG variables were compared during 10-min, order-balanced eyes-closed rest and Transcendental Meditation (TM) sessions and showed evidence of the existence of a fourth state of consciousness besides waking, sleep and dreaming.
  • http://sawka.com/spiritwatch/neurophy.htm - Neurophysiological Order in the REM Sleep  - Neurophysiological Order inthe REM Sleep of Participants of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program.
  • http://www.tm.org/research/home.html - Research studies on Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programs - Over 500 studies have been completed on the physiological, psychological, and sociological effects of the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs, making it perhaps the most intensively studied technology in the field of human development.
  • http://www.tm.org/research/508_studies.html - First and Recent Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program - Studies in Phsysiology, Psychology, Sociology.
  • http://www.alltm.org/research.html - Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation - Articles about objective verification the effects of TM.
  • http://www.tmscotland.org/tm/research.shtml - Research on Transcendental Meditation - More research has been done on Transcendental Meditation than on any other meditation or self-improvement technique.
  • http://www.tmscotland.org/tm/researchpaper.shtml - 165 major studies on Transcendental Meditation - A detailed paper which includes full references for scientists.
  • http://www.t-m.org.uk/research.shtml - Scientific Research on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health - Introduction and overview of research in January 1998.
  • http://www.maharishi-india.org/programmes/p1tm.html - Transcendental Meditation is a scientifically validated programmme - Scientific Research on TM and The Maharishi Effect.
  • http://www.maharishi.org/tm/research/home.html - Studies on Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programs - Press releases and related stories in the Media.
  • http://www.mum.edu/tm_research/welcome.html - Research Overview on Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi - Presentation of research on the Maharishi Effect, the influence of coherence in society generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs.
  • http://www.spiritual-center.com/9_b_research.html - Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program and The Maharishi Effect - The benefits of the TM technique for reducing stress and improving the quality of life for the individual have been documented by more than 500 studies conducted at 216 universities and research institutions in 30 countries.
  • http://www.vedic-health.com/heartdisease/coronaryresearch.html - Brief summary of research on the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health and Heart Disease. - TM technique produced statistically and clinically significant reductions in blood pressure.
  • http://learntm.com/transcendental-meditation-research-studies.htm - Scientific Research Charts - List of the most important findings on Transcendental Meditation program for mind, body, behavior, and environment.
  • http://www.worldpeaceendowment.org/invincibility/invincibility15.html - Creating Lasting World Peace - Research References Cited.
  • http://www.tm-ireland.org/scientif.htm - Research findings on TM - Studies in scientific and academic journals on the effects of Transcendental Meditation.
  • http://maharishi.invincibledefence.org/prev_wing/defence_research.html - Structuring Invincibility for the Nation and Peace in the Family of Nation - Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation, the TM-Sidhi Programme, and Yogic Flying with Reference to Defence.
  • http://www.transcendental-meditation.org.uk/SciResearchIndex.html - Scientific Research Summary - The research shows thatTM is far more effective than any other techniques available today.
  • http://maharishi.vedicknowledge.com/tm/tm_research_environ.html - Research on TM and TM-siddhi - Decreased Crime Rate, Reduction of Armed Conflict, Reduction of Domestic and International Conflict, Increased Harmony Between Nations.
  • http://users.erols.com/tmdelco/page11.html - A Scientifically Validated Program - The most effective technique for eliminating accumulated stress from the nervous system. A natural remedy for stress related disorders including: insomnia, chronic anxiety, hypertension, addictions, chronic headaches, depression, panic attacks, heart disease, and learning disorders. The best program for developing human potential and self-actualized qualities including: self-esteem, self-control and self-confidence.
  • http://www.maharishi.co.uk/bkscires.htm - Scientific research on Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health - How Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme transforms the functioning of the human body.
  • http://www.mou.org/introduction/mou5.html - Technologies for Systematically Developing Consciousness - Scientific findings show that Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness make life increasingly happy, healthy, and progressive -- increasingly in harmony with Natural Law.
  • http://www.meditation-cam.org.uk/Scfc.html - For the rest of your life - An overview of scientific research.
  • http://www.maharishi-india.org/institutions/i1/research.html - Scientific Research on Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology - More than 600 scientific research studies performed at 210 universities in 30 countries during the past 20 years and the personal experience of over 4 million people world-wide demonstrate that the Transcendental Meditation program greatly benefits mind, body, and behaviour.
  • http://www.naturallaw.org.nz/Research/Bibliography/VolContents.htm - Scientific Proof - Scientific Research on the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program - Annotated Bibliography.
  • - Directory of sites about Scientific research on Transcendental Meditation at OPD (http://dmoz.org)
  • - Directory of sites about Scientific research on Transcendental Meditation at Google Web Directory (http://directory.google.com)

  • О Трансцендентальной Медитации

    in English

    Веда, Ведические науки, знания и традиции (главная страница) | Трансцендентальная Медитация | Генная инженерия | Джйотиш -- Ведическая Астрология | Аюрведа | ПанчаКарма | Стхапатъя-Веда (Васту-Шастра) | Природный Закон | Ведические традиции | Йога | Вегетарианство | Поиск в интернете - каталоги и поисковые серверы | Телекоммуникации | Киев | Донецк

    Портал 'Ведические Науки' • Портал 'Джйотиша -- Ведическая астрология' | Форум по Ведической астрологии