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Publication:    FTS-5001
Revision:       1
Author(s):      Colin Turner, Andreas Klein, Michael McCabe,
                David Hallford, Odinn Sorensen

Revision Date:  27 June 1999
Expiry Date:    27 June 2001
                1. Authorized Flags
                2. Userflags

Status of this document

  This document is a Fidonet Standard (FTS).

  This document specifies a Fidonet standard for the Fidonet

  This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
  copied or modified for any purpose whatever.


  Current practice for Fidonet Technology Networks (FTN) is to
  maintain a nodelist used to store the details of the nodes in
  the network, and the network structure. Flags are used in this
  nodelist to aid automatic and manual control of various tasks.

1. Authorized flags

 Flags authorized for use in the Fidonet nodelist:


          Flag      Meaning

          CM        Node accepts mail 24 hours a day
          MO        Node does not accept human callers
          LO        Node accepts calls Only from Listed
                    FidoNet addresses

     The following flags define modem protocols supported:

          Flag      Meaning

          V21       CCITT V.21     300 bps   full duplex
          V22       CCITT V.22     1200 bps  full duplex
          V29       CCITT V.29     9600 bps  half duplex
          V32       CCITT V.32     9600 bps  full duplex
          V32b      ITU-T V.32 bis 14400 bps full duplex
          V32T      V.32 Terbo
          V33       CCITT V.33
          V34       CCITT V.34
          HST       USR Courier HST
          H14       USR Courier HST 14.4
          H16       USR Courier HST 16.8
          H96       Hayes V9600
          MAX       Microcom AX/96xx series
          PEP       Packet Ensemble Protocol
          CSP       Compucom Speedmodem
          ZYX       Zyxel series
          VFC       V.Fast Class
          Z19       Zyxel 19,200 modem protocol
          V90C      ITU-T V.90 modem Client
          V90S      ITU-T V.90 Server.
          X2C       US Robotics x2 client.
          X2S       US Robotics x2 server.

     The following flags define type of error correction available. A
     separate error correction flag should not be used when the error
     correction type can be determined by the modem flag. For instance
     a modem flag of HST implies MNP.

          Flag      Meaning

          MNP       Microcom Networking Protocol error correction
                    of type MNP1 to MNP4
          V42       LAP-M error correction w/fallback to MNP


     The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
     packets supported.

          Flag      Meaning

          MN        No compression supported

     The following flags define the type(s) of data compression

          V42b      ITU-T V42bis


     The following flags indicate the types of file/update requests

  |      |         Bark        |        WaZOO        |
  |      |---------------------|---------------------|
  |      |   File   |  Update  |   File   |  Update  |
  | Flag | Requests | Requests | Requests | Requests |
  | XA   |    Yes   |    Yes   |    Yes   |    Yes   |
  | XB   |    Yes   |    Yes   |    Yes   |    No    |
  | XC   |    Yes   |    No    |    Yes   |    Yes   |
  | XP   |    Yes   |    Yes   |    No    |    No    |
  | XR   |    Yes   |    No    |    Yes   |    No    |
  | XW   |    No    |    No    |    Yes   |    No    |
  | XX   |    No    |    No    |    Yes   |    Yes   |


     The following flag defines gateways to other domains (networks).

          Flag      Meaning

          Gx..x     Gateway to domain 'x..x', where 'x..x` is a string
                    of alphanumeric characters. Valid values for
                    'x..x' are assigned by the FidoNet International
                    Coordinator.  Current valid values of 'x..x' may
                    be found in the notes at the end of the FidoNet

     The following flags define the dedicated mail periods supported.
     They have the form "#nn" or !nn where nn is the UTC hour the mail
     period begins,  # indicates Bell 212A compatibility,  and !
     indicates incompatibility with Bell 212A.

          Flag      Meaning

           #01       Zone 5 mail hour (01:00 - 02:00 UTC)
           #02       Zone 2 mail hour (02:30 - 03:30 UTC)
           #08       Zone 4 mail hour (08:00 - 09:00 UTC)
           #09       Zone 1 mail hour (09:00 - 10:00 UTC)
           #18       Zone 3 mail hour (18:00 - 19:00 UTC)
           #20       Zone 6 mail hour (20:00 - 21:00 UTC)

                    NOTE:  When applicable,  the mail period flags may
                    be strung together with no intervening commas, eg.
                    "#02#09".  Only mail hours other than that
                    standard within a node's zone should be given.
                    Since observance of mail hour within one's zone is
                    mandatory,  it should not be indicated.


   Nodelist  Specification of minimal support required for this flag;
   flag      any additional support to be arranged via agreement
           between users

   V110L     ITU-T V.110 19k2 async ('low').
   V110H     ITU-T V.110 38k4 async ('high').
   V120L     ITU-T V.120 56k async, layer 2 framesize 259, window 7,
             modulo 8.
   V120H     ITU-T V.120 64k async, layer 2 framesize 259, window 7,
             modulo 8.
   X75       ITU-T X.75 SLP (single link procedure) with 64kbit/s B
             channel; layer 2 max.framesize 2048, window 2, non-ext.
             mode (modulo 8); layer 3 transparent (no packet layer).
   ISDN      Other configurations. Use only if none of the above

   NOTE: No flag implies another. Each capability MUST be specifically
   If no modem connects are supported, the nodelist speed field should
   be 300.

   Conversion from old to new ISDN capability flags:
     ISDNA -> V110L
     ISDNB -> V110H
     ISDNC -> X75



    IBN - denotes a system that does BINKP
    IFC - denotes a system that is capable of RAW or IFCICO
    ITN - denote a system that does TELNET
    IVM - denotes a system that is capable of VMODEM
    IFT - denotes a system that allows FTP
    ITX - denotes a system that uses TransX encoding for email
    IUC - denotes a system that uses UUEncode for email tunneling
    IMI - denotes a system which uses MIME encoding for email
    ISE - denotes a system which supports SEAT receipts for anonymous
    IP  - denotes a system that can receive TCP/IP connects using a
          protocol that is not covered by any other flag.
    IEM - is a deprecated flag, and new implementations must not
          write it in nodelist entries. This was used as a single
          placeholder for the InterNet address of the system if it
          supported several transport methods. Instead of placing
          the system address in the deprecated form specified below
          in each flag, the address would be placed once only in this
          flag. Implementations may need to parse this information
          from nodelists created with older programs.

  Conversion from old Internet capabilty flags to the new flags:

    BND -> IBN
    TEL -> ITN
    VMD -> IVM
    TCP -> IP

  The Internet Address should be placed in the BBS name field.

  Previous usage has placed the InterNet address as part of the
  I-flag (for example ITX:r10_tx@thevision.net); in this format the
  flag, colon, and address combined cannot exceed 32 characters.
  However, this practice is deprecated, and new implementations must
  not place address data in the flag section of the nodelist entry,
  implementations may however be required to read this data from the
  flag section.

  Telnet default port is 23. If the port is not 23 then the port
  number must be placed after the ITN flag (eg ITN:60177) if the
  Telnet address is part of the ITN flag (eg ITN:farsi.dynip.com) then
  the port number should be last (eg ITN:farsi.dynip.com:60177) always
  remember that the flag cannot exceed 32 characters total.

  The default ports for other protocols are shown below, and changes
  from the default port must be flagged in a similar way.

  Protocol      Flag    Default Port

  FTP           IFT     21
  BINKP         IBN     24554
  RAW/IFCICO    IFC     60179
  VMODEM        IVM     3141

  Actual IP addresses can also be placed in the phone number field
  using  the country code of 000.


   The flag Tyz is used by non-CM nodes online not only during ZMH,
   y is a letter indicating the start and z a letter indicating the
   end of the online period as defined below (times in UTC):

        A  0:00,  a  0:30,   B  1:00,  b  1:30,   C  2:00,  c  2:30,
        D  3:00,  d  3:30,   E  4:00,  e  4:30,   F  5:00,  f  5:30,
        G  6:00,  g  6:30,   H  7:00,  h  7:30,   I  8:00,  i  8:30,
        J  9:00,  j  9:30,   K 10:00,  k 10:30,   L 11:00,  l 11:30,
        M 12:00,  m 12:30,   N 13:00,  n 13:30,   O 14:00,  o 14:30,
        P 15:00,  p 15:30,   Q 16:00,  q 16:30,   R 17:00,  r 17:30,
        S 18:00,  s 18:30,   T 19:00,  t 19:30,   U 20:00,  u 20:30,
        V 21:00,  v 21:30,   W 22:00,  w 22:30,   X 23:00,  x 23:30.

   For example TuB shows an online period from 20:30 until 1:00 UTC.

   Daylight saving time

   If a node changes online times with respect to UTC when daylight
   saving time becomes effective (which would be the case with most
   part time nodes), then this is to be taken into account when
   assigning this flag. An online times flag assigned to a node should
   not be altered for the specific purpose of adjusting due to
   daylight saving time, since large difference files (NODEDIFF's)
   would result if every node was allowed to do this, e.g. my node
   used to be online from 2300 to 0800 in local time, which in winter
   is UTC, but in the summer it becomes BST (British Summer Time).
   This is one hour ahead of UTC, and the corresponding availability
   times of my node during the summer period were 2200 to 0700 UTC.
   Therefore my online times flag would have indicated availability
   between the hours of 2300 and 0700 UTC, the daily time period
   encompassing both times, so the flag would be TXH.

2. Userflags

  Registry of Userflags


               A user-specified string, which may contain any
               alphanumeric character except blanks.  This string may
               contain one to thirty-two characters of information
               that may be used to add user-defined data to a specific
               nodelist entry.  The character "U" must not be
               repeated, eg, ",U,XXX,YYY,ZZZ" not ",U,XXX,U,YYY,UZZZ".
               The 32 character limitation is per userflag, not for
               the total of all userflags.

               New implementations must place a comma after the
               initial "U" before the user flags. Some
               implementations will not place a separating comma
               betweent the "U" and the first user flag, but this
               practice is deprecated. Implementations should be
               prepared to read flags in this format, and must strip
               the "U" from the flag before analysis in this case.

               Entries following the "U" flag must be of a technical
               or administrative nature.  While experimentation of new
               software functions using this flag is encouraged,
               advertisement is strictly prohibited.

               For applications other than those shown, or if you
               have questions concerning the use of this field, please
               contact your Regional or Zone Coordinator.


     ZEC       Zone EchoMail Coordinator. Not more than one entry
               in the zone  segment may carry this flag and that entry
               must be the current Zone EchoMail Coordinator.

     REC       Regional EchoMail Coordinator. Not more than one
               entry in any region may carry this flag and that entry
               must be the current Regional EchoMail Coordinator.

     NEC       Network EchoMail coordinator. Not more than one entry
               in any net may carry this flag and that entry must be
               the current Network EchoMail Coordinator of that Net.

     SDS       Software Distribution System

     SMH       Secure Mail Hub

     NC        Network Coordinator. This flag is ONLY to be used by
               the Network Coordinator of a net which has split the
               duties of NC and Host and the NC does NOT occupy the
               Net/0 position in the nodelist.

A. Contact Data

  David Hallford
  Fidonet: 1:208/103

  Andreas Klein
  Fidonet: 2:2480/47
  E-mail:  akx@gmx.net

  Michael McCabe
  Fidonet: 1:297/11

  Odinn Sorensen
  Fidonet: N/A
  E-mail:  odinn@goldware.dk
  WWW:     http://www.goldware.dk

  Colin Turner
  Fidonet: 2:443/13
  E-mail:  ct@piglets.com
  WWW:     http://www.piglets.com

B. History

   Rev.1, 19990627: Initial Release. Principal Author David Hallford

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