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Homepage of Anatoly Nikitin

Head of Department of Applied Research,
Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Dr.Sci., Professor

List of Publications (with pdf-files of books and articles)

Institute of Mathematics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Street
01601 Kyiv-4

Phone:  + 380 (44) 234 6322 (office)

Fax:      + 380 (44) 235 2010 (office)


Date of Birth: 25.12.1945

Citizenship: Ukrainian

Academic Background:
Dr.Sci. in Math. and Theor. Physics: 1987, Institute for Theoretrical Physics, Kyiv
Ph.D. in Math. and Theor. Physics: 1974, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv
M.Sc. in Physics: 1969, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Professional Experince:

1997-till now
Head at the Department of Applied Research of the Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv

Research Fellow, then Senior and Leading Researcher at the Department of Applied Research of the Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv

Postgraduate Student, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv

Field of research:
Theory of relativistic particles, supersymmetry, quantum field theory, group theory

Languages: Ukrainian and Russian (native speaker), English and Czech (fluent), Spanish (basic communicative skills)

Marital Status: Married, 2 daughters

Organising of International Conferences:

I International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, July 1995), Member of the Organizing Committee;

II International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, July 1997), Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

III International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, July 1999), Chairman of the Organizing Committee

IV International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, July 2001), Chairman of the Organizing Committee

4-th Conference "Geometry and Topology of Manifolds"  (Krynica 29.04.2002-4.05.2002, Poland), Member of the Scientific Committee

V International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, June 2003), Chairman of the Organizing Committee

10th International Conference on "Symmetry Methods in Physics"  (Yerevan 8.13-19, 2003, Armenia), Member of the International Advisory Committee

11th International Conference on "Symmetry Methods in Physics"  (Prague 6.21-24, 2004, Czech Republic), Member of the International Advisory Committee

Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference "Modern Problems of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics"  (Kiev, September 2004, Ukraine), Member of the Organizing Committee

VI International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, June 2005), Chairman of the Organizing Committee

VII International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kiev, June 2007), Chairman of the Organizing Committee

International collaboration:
Visiting Professor in:
Liege University (Belgium, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999),
Glamorgan University (UK, 1998, 2000),
UNAM University (Mexico, 1998, 1999, 2003),
Institute of Physics (Prague, Czech Republic, 1995-2006),
Alberta University (Edmonton, Canada, 2002, 2005),
Universita di Palermo (Palermo, Italy 2003),
Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Bologna (Bologna, Italy, 2003)
Britham Young University (Utah, USA, 2005)

Pedagogical Activities:

Advisor of the following Ph.D. Thesis

  1. Tetyana Barannyk, Symmetry and exact solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations (2006);
  2. Nataliya Ivanova, Classification problems for diffusion-convection and Schroedinger equations (2005);
  3. Maxim Lutfullin, Realizations of low-dimensional Lie algebras and invariant systems of nonlinear differential equations (2005);
  4. Olena Magda, Group classification and exact solutions of nonlinear equations of hyperbolic type (2004);
  5. Artur Sergyeyev, Higher symmetries and parasupersymmetries of evolution equations (2000);
  6. Lyudmyla Barannyk, Symmetry reduction of systems of nonlinear equations of Schrodinger and hydrodynamic types (1997);
  7. Zoya Symenoh, Symmetry analysis of Galilei-invariant differential equations of Schrodinger type (1997);
  8. Violeta Tretynyk, Hidden symmetries of two-particle equations (1996);
  9. Olexander Prylypko, Higher order symmetry operators for systems of wave equations (1991).
Courses of lectures:
1999-2006    Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University;
1993-1998    Ukrainian Institute of Land Forces;
1971-1974    Odessa Electrotechnical Institute (Kyiv Branch).

2006 Ernst Mach Medal, Czech Academy of Science
2002 State Award of the Ukraine for monographs in Mathematical Physics

The number of citations of my books and papers: more then 500

Department of Applied Research Home Page