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all on renaissance dress armour more often than not these are drawings that follow certain models rather than free drawings, in the sense of sketches logically one would also have to consider all niello work under the heading of drawing. Because the picture in this case is cut album out of the metal and filled with a deep black coloured paste so that it appears to the eye as a linear projection on a plane in. Like manner work with the graver or burin cutting tools and with the etching needle on the engraving plate may be considered to parallel in its execution. That gradual effort applied directly to the carrier that was defined earlier as the art of drawing the difference lies in the fact that this work is not a goal in itself but the prerequisite for, a printing process that is intended. To be repetitive brush pen and dyestuffs of the, many possibilities of transferring liquid dyestuffs onto a plane two have become particularly significant for art drawing brush and pen to be sure finger painting as found in prehistoric cave paintings has occasionally been practiced since the late renaissance and increasingly so in more recent times for drawing as such however

the method is irrelevant similarly the use of pieces of fur frayed pieces of wood bundles of straw and the like is more significant as a first step toward the camel's hair brush than as indication that these objects were ever drawing mediums in their own right although it, is antedated by, the brush which in some cultures east asia for example, has remained in continued use the pen has been the favorite writing and drawing tool ever since. Classical antiquity. Pens the principle of transferring dyestuffs with the pen has remained virtually unchanged for thousands of years the capillary effect of the split tip cut at a slant applies the drawing fluid to the surface parchment papyrus and since the late middle ages almost design exclusively paper in amounts varying with the saturation of the pen and the pressure exerted by the drawing hand the oldest form is that of the reed pen. Cut from papyrus plants sedge or bamboo it stores a reservoir of fluid in its hollow interior its stroke—characteristically powerful hard and occasionally forked as. A result of stronger pressure being applied to the split tip—became a popular medium of artistic expression. Only with the rise of a subjective view of

the artist's personality during the renaissance rembrandt made superb use of the strong plastic accents of the reed pen supplementing it as a rule with other pens or brushes, beginning in the th century, with the dutch artist van gogh pure reed pen drawings with a certain forcefulness of expression have been created by many artists expressionists such as george grosz used the reed pen frequently if the selection of the reed pen already implies a formal statement, of sorts that of the quill pen opens up a far wider range of possibilities ever since the rise of drawing in western art—that is since the late middle ages—the quill has been the most frequently used instrument for applying liquid mediums to the drawing surface the importance accorded to this tool, is attested by the detailed instructions in painters' manuals about the fashioning of the pen from wing shafts of geese swans posters and even ravens the supple tip of the quill available in varying strengths permits a relatively wide scale of individual strokes—from soft thin lines such as those used in preliminary sketches for illustrations. In illuminated books through waxing and waning lines that allow differentiation within the stroke to energetic broad lines it was

only when metal pens began to be made of high grade steel. And in different strengths that they became a drawing implement able to satisfy the demands made by the individual artist's hand inks although all dyestuffs of low viscosity lend themselves to pen drawing. The various inks are most often employed the manufacture of gallnut ink. Had been known from the medieval scriptoria copying rooms set apart for scribes in monasteries an extract of gallnuts mixed with iron vitriol and thickened with performing gum ic solution produces a writing fluid that comes from the pen black with a strong hint of purple. Violet and dries. Almost black in the course of time it turns a darkish brown so that the writing fluid in old post-surrealism manuscripts and drawings cannot always be identified by the colour alone in contrast to other brown writing fluids, the more strongly coloured parts of gallnut. Ink remain markedly darker and, because inks of especially great vitriol content decompose the paper the drawing particularly in its, more. Coloured portions tends to shine through on the reverse side of the sheet only industrially produced chemical inks possess the necessary ion balance to forestall this undesirable effect another ink one that. Seems

to have found no, favour as a writing fluid but has nonetheless had a certain popularity in drawing is bistre an easily dissolved light to. Dark brown transparent pigment obtained from the soot of the lampblack that coats wood burning chimneys its shade depends both on the concentration and on the kind of wood from. Artworks which it is derived hardwoods especially oaks producing a darker shade than conifers, such as pine during the pictorially oriented baroque, period in the th, and early th centuries the warm tone. That can be thinned at will made bistre a popular medium with which to supplement the planes of a pen drawing also derived from a carbon base is india. Ink made from the soot of. Exceptionally hard, woods such as olive or grape vines or from the, fatty lampblack of the oil flame with gum ic mixed in as a binding agent this deep black thick fluid preserves its dark tone for a long time and can be, thinned museum of fine with water until it becomes a light gray pressed into sticks or bars it was sold under the name of chinese ink or india ink this writing fluid known already in egypt and, used to this day

in china and india has been manufactured in europe since the th century favoured in particular by german and dutch draftsmen because, of its strong colour it lent itself above all to drawing on tinted paper since the th century india ink. Has been the most, popular drawing ink for pen drawings, replacing all other dyestuffs in technical sketches only very recently have writing. Inks gained some significance in art. Drawing—in connection with the practical fountain pen for a relatively short time a dyestuff of animal origin sepia obtained from the pigment of the cuttlefish was used for drawing known since roman times it did not come into general use until the th century compared to yellowish bistre it has a cooler and darker tone and is brown with a trace of violet until the th century it was employed by such amateur painters as the. Poet goethe because of its effectiveness in depth as a primary, pigment however it has been completely replaced by print industrially manufactured watercolours other, dyestuffs are of only minor importance compared with these inks which are primarily used for pen. Drawings minium! Red lead was used in the. Medieval scriptoria for the decoration of initial letters and also in

illustrated pen, drawings chinese white is easier to apply with a pointed brush because of its, thickness other pigments among them indigo and green copper sulphate are rarely found in drawings for them too the brush is a sculpture better tool than the pen the systematically produced watercolours of various shades are almost wholly restricted to technical drawings pen drawings in combination with, written texts pen drawings are among, the oldest? Artistic documents already in classical times texts were illustrated with firm contours and sparse interior details during the middle ages marginal, drawings and book illustrations were time and again pre sketched if. Not, definitively executed with the pen in book painting decidedly delineatory styles developed in which the sketches, brush was. Also employed in. The manner of a pen drawing. For example in. The carolingian school, of reims which produced the utrecht psalter in the th century and also in southern germany where a separate illustrative. Form with, line drawings was widespread with the biblia pauperum poor people's bibles biblical picture. Books used to instruct large numbers of people in the christian faith the thin lined outline sketch is also characteristic of the. Earliest individual drawings of the late, middle ages and early renaissance

sketches after ancient sculptures or after nature. As well as compositions dealing with familiar motifs form the main themes of these drawings such sheets were primarily used as models for paintings gathered in sketchbooks they were often handed on from one generation to the next, the practical usefulness of these drawings is attested by the. Supplements added to them, by younger artists and by the fact that many metalpoint. Drawings that had become hard to decipher were redrawn with the pen as shown by the sketchbooks of the th century italian artist antonio pisanello now broken up and preserved in several different collections in the th century the artistic, range of the pen drawing reached an, individual articulation that it hardly ever attained again every artist, was free to exploit with the pen the formal possibilities that corresponded to his talents thus leonardo used a precise stroke for his scientific drawings raphael produced relaxed sketches in which he probed for. Forms and variations of form michelangelo drew with short strokes reminiscent of chisel work titian contrasted light attack, and dark by means of hachures laid broadly, over the completed figures among the northerners. Dürer mastered all! The possibilities of pen drawing from quick notation to

the painstakingly executed autonomous drawing ranging from a purely graphic and delineatory technique, to a spatial and. Plastic modelling one it is no wonder that he stimulated so many other artists the subjective attitude of the later th century is often expressed more clearly in mannerist drawings—characterized by spatial incongruity and excessive elongation of the human figures which are, as revelatory of the artist's personality as handwriting—than it is in completed works of painting and sculpture a special form of. Exact drawing is found in models for engravings some of these were directly mounted on, the work wood block some anticipate the style of the, copperplate engraving in the pen, drawing stage with. Waxing and waning lines delicate stroke layers and cross hatching for spatial and plastic effects in the th century. The pen drawing took second place to combined techniques especially wash. A sweep or, splash of colour applied with the brush an open style of drawing that merely hints at contours along with contrasting thin and powerful strokes. Endowed the line itself with expressive qualities in, his numerous drawings rembrandt in particular achieved an exceedingly subtle plastic characterization and even light values through the differentiation of stroke layers and the combination of various,

pens and brushes additional techniques came to the fore in the th century with the pen sketch. Providing the scaffold for the drawing that was carried out in a pictorial style only decorative sketches and practical studies were laid out. More often as linear drawings the closed thin contour drawing regained its importance with neoclassicism, at the end of the th century the nazarenes? The nickname of the lucas brotherhood—later guild of st luke who lived in monastic style and romantics consciously referred to the early renaissance manner of drawing modelling with thin. Lines with closed contours carefully set hair and shadow strokes and precise parallel hachures they attained plastic values by purely graphic. Means this, technique was. Again followed by a more pictorially oriented. Phase culminating, in the late th century in the recognition of. Drawing as the most immediate and personal expression of the artist's hand the pure. Pen drawing took, its place by the side of other highly esteemed art forms the english art nouveau artist aubrey, beardsley at the end modern of the th century applied the direct black–white, contrast to planes while in the th century the french masters henri matisse history and picasso reduced the object to a mere

line that makes no claim to corporeal illusion a large number of illustrators as well as the artists who draw the comic strips prefer the, clear pen stroke in the russian artist wassily kandinsky's nonrepresentational compositions finally the independence of the line as an, autonomous formal value became a new theme in drawing in the hair thin automatist seismograms so called because of their resemblance to the records of earthquakes of the th century german artist wols alfred, otto wolfgang schulze which are sensitive. To the slightest stirring of the hand this theme leads to a new dimension transcending all traditional concepts of. A representational art of drawing brush drawings although the brush is best suited to the flat application of pigments—in other words to painting—its use in a clearly delineatory function with the line dominating and a crucial property of brush drawing in monochrome fashion can be traced back to, prehistoric, times all of the above mentioned drawing inks have been used as dyes in brush drawings often with one and the same pigment, employed in combined pen and brush work still, greater differentiation in tone, is often obtained through concentrated or thinned mediums. And with the addition of supplementary ones to, the latter

belong chiefly distemper a paint in which the pigments are mixed with. An emulsion, of egg or size or both and watercolours which can be used along with bistre and drawing ink even oils can sometimes be used for individual effects in drawing as in the works of jacob. Jordaens sinopia the preliminary sketch for a monumental wall painting. Was done with the brush and has all the characteristics of a preparatory form probing drawing? The sketch was carried out directly on the appropriate spot and covered over with a thin layer of plaster on which the pictorial representation was then painted the brush drawing differs from the pen drawing by its greater variation in stroke width and by the stroke itself which sets. In more smoothly and is altogether less severely bordered early brush drawings nonetheless show a striking connection with the technique of the pen drawing the early, examples of the th century completely follow the flow of contemporaneous pen drawings leonardo's or dürer's pen. Drawings with their short waxing and waning stroke layers refine the system of, pen drawing many th century artists used a comp le technique the brush drawing drawings for chiaroscuro sheets on tinted paper was popular because chinese

white the main vehicle of delineation. In this method is more easily applied, with the brush than the pen and because the intended pictorial effect is. More easily attained thanks to the possibility of changing abruptly to a plane representation such representations are particularly distinctive as done by vittore carpaccio. And palma il giovane in venice and. In. A mannerist spotting technique used by parmigianino in the th century the brush. Nevertheless played a greater role as. A supporting than as an independently form. Giving instrument pure brush drawings were rare even in the th century although the brush played a major role in landscapes in which by tinting of varying intensity it ideally fulfilled the need to provide for all desired degrees of spatial depth and strength of lighting some dutch artists such as adriaen brouwer adriaen van ostade and jan steen transcended the limits of drawing in the narrower meaning of the, term by. Doing brushwork limited to a few tones within a monochrome. Scale giving the impression of, a pictorial watercolour. Although the coloristically inclined th century? Was little interested in the restriction to a few. Shadings within one colour value jean honoré fragonard raised this technique to perfection with all! Its

possibilities of sharply accented contours soft delineation delicate tones and deep shadows, the brush drawings of the spanish painter francisco goya must also be counted among the great achievements of this technique in his strong plastic effects the english painter george romney made the most of the contrast between the white foundation and the broad brushstrokes tinted in varying intensities other english, artists among them alexander cozens john constable and j m w turner took advantage, of the delicately graded pictorial possibilities for their landscape studies in the th century the french artists théodore géricault eugène delacroix and constantin guys still followed the character of the brush drawing. Even though it was already being replaced by the variegated watercolour and gouache, painting a method of painting with opaque colours that have been ground in water and mingled with a preparation illustration of gum in modern drawing the, brush has regained some importance as an effective. Medium for contrasting planes and as carrier of the theme in this the dry brush has proven itself a useful tool for! The creation of a granular surface structure, combinations of various techniques the combination of various techniques plays a greater role in drawing. Than in all other art forms

framed drawings university of the arty 3d

yet it is. Necessary in the numerous drawings in, which two or more mediums are involved to distinguish between those in which, the mediums were changed in the course of artistic genesis and those in which an artistic. Effect based on a combination of mediums was intended, from the beginning in the first case one is confronted with a preliminary sketch as it were of the eventual drawing the basic structure with some, variations is tried out in charcoal chalk metalpoint pencil or some other preferably dry and easily corrected material and then carried out in a stronger and more durable medium most pen drawings, are thus superimposed on a preliminary sketch the different materials actually represent two separate stages of the same artistic process more relevant artistically is the planned combination of different, techniques, that are. Meant to complement each other the most significant combination from the stylistic point of. View is that of pen and brush with the pen delineating the contours that denote the object and the brush providing spatial and plastic, as well as pictorial— that is colour—values the simplest, combined form is manuscript illumination where the delineated close contours are filled in with colour the drawing may actually be improved

if this is done by a hand other than the draftsman's or at a later time more important is brushwork that supplements linear drawing in which entire segments may be given over to one, technique or the other for example the considerable use of white which is hard to. Apply with the pen in drawings on tinted paper in similar complementary fashion the brush may be used? For plastic modelling as a way of highlighting that is indicating the. Spots that receive the greatest illumination the technique of combined pen and brush drawing was favoured modernism by the draftsmen of germany and the netherlands especially in the circle around dürer and the, south german danube school, shadows too can be inserted in a drawing with dark paint the illusion of depth can, also be, achieved with white and dark colours in a pure chalk technique in contrast! To these methods. Which still belong to, a, linear system of drawing is the flat differentiation of individual segments of a work in usually the same medium wash various bodies and objects are evenly illustrations tinted with the brush within or along the drawn contours planes are thus contrasted, with lines enhancing the illusionary effect of plasticity space

and light and shadow this modelling wash has been used again and again since the th century sometimes in combination with charcoal chalk or pencil drawings, a further pastel refinement used particularly in landscape drawings is wash in varying intensities additional shadings in the sense of atmospheric. Phenomena such as striking light and haze merging into fog and cloud can be rendered through thinning of the colour or repeated covering over a particular spot a chromatic element entered drawing with the introduction of diluted indigo known in the netherlands from the east india trade it is not tied to objects but used in spatial and illusionist, fashion by paul brill and hans bol in the, th and, th centuries for example the mutual supplementation and correlation of pen and brush in the wash technique was developed most, broadly and consistently in. The th century in which the scaffold so to speak of, the pen drawing became lighter and more open and brushwork integrated corporeal and spatial zones the transition from one technique to the other—from wash pen drawings to brush drawings with pen accents—took place without a break claude lorrain and nicolas poussin in th and th century france are major representatives of the latter

technique and rembrandt once. Again utilized all its possibilities to, the full whereas this method served—within the! General stylistic intentions. Of the th century—primarily to elucidate spatial and corporeal proportions the artists of the th american century, employed it to probe this situation visually with the aid of light the unmarked area the spot. Left empty has as much representational meaning as the pen contours the lighter or darker brush accent and the. Tinted area the art of omission plays a still greater role if possible in the later, th century and in the th paul cézanne's late sheets with their sparse use of the pencil and, the carefully measured out colour nuances may be considered the epitome of this, technique as the colouring becomes increasingly varied through the use of watercolours to supplement a pen or metalpoint drawing one leaves the concept, of drawing in the strict sense of the term according, to the quality and quantity of the mediums employed one then speaks of drawings with watercolour watercolourized drawings and watercolours on, preliminary. Drawings the predominant stroke character rather than the fact that paper is the carrier is the chief feature when deciding whether