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used, for meditation and enlightenment symbolism in eastern painting—intended to deepen the experience of a picture's mood and spirituality—is more generalized and poetic than in western art both the execution and the subject matter of buddhist chinese and japanese painting have a religious or metaphysical significance the artist's intuitive calligraphic brush movements symbolizing his mystical empathy with nature. And his cyclic landscape and flower subjects expressing his belief in the spiritual harmony of natural forms and forces much of indian symbolism is, visually emotive images such as snakes plantain leaves twining creepers and rippling water being overtly sexual and although symbolic attributes, and colour codes identify indian. Mythological characters for example the four arms. Of the terrible goddess kālı and the blue skin of the divine lover krishna the formal character and colour scheme of settings generally. Reflect the narrative's emotional mood for example vibrant dark blue cloudy skies and embracing purple black glades evoking amorous anticipation and red grounds expressing the passions of love or war western symbolic systems however are. More intellectually directed their imagery having precise literary meanings and their colour codes intended. Primarily for narrative or devotional identification the iconographic programs of the early christian churches for example laid down complex formulas for the viewpoints gestures facial expressions and positions of arms hands and feet chicago for religious figures an elaborate ethiopian christian iconographic system was followed until very recently and elsewhere traditional methods survive of identifying archangels and saints by their attributes and by the symbols of martyrdom that they display distinguishing white bearded st peter from black bearded st paul for example

and portraying st catherine with a wheel and st bartholomew with a knife and skin christian iconography adopted and elaborated greco roman and jewish symbolic imagery the pagan signs of the vine and the fish for. Example and the image of christ as the good shepherd based on the greek hermes kriophoros medieval and renaissance writings define an immense vocabulary of symbolic images such as the crescent sea urchin and owl signifying heresy the toad and, jug representing the devil and the egg and bagpipes as erotic symbols all. Of which appear in hieronymus, bosch's th century narrative moralities angels and devils hellfire and golden paradise heavenly skies and birds in flight representing spirituality and rebirth are examples, of the similarity of symbolic meaning for many religious mythological and allegorical traditions the significance of images common to several cultures, however may also be very different the dragon representing avarice in european medieval allegory symbolizes friendliness in japanese zen painting and the snake symbol of temptation and eroticism in the west signifies by its skin shedding, the. Renewal of life in far eastern iconography method of recording the image of an object by the action of light, or related radiation on a sensitive material the word. Derived from the greek photos light and graphein to draw was first, used. By the scientist sir john f w herschel in the term photography usually refers to the formation of optical images, projected by a lens in a camera onto a film or. Other material carrying a layer of light sensitive silver salts and the duplication and reproduction of such images by

light action printing in an extended sense. It also includes the formation of images by certain invisible radiations ultraviolet and, infrared rays and images recorded in other sensitive materials not containing silver by means of chemical or physical processes or both related processes include the recording. Of images by x rays electron beams and nuclear radiations radiography and the recording and transmission of light images in the form of electromagnetic signals television and. Videotape this article treats the historical and aesthetic aspects of still photography for a similar treatment of motion picture photography or cinematography see motion picture as a means of visual. Communication and expression photography has marked aesthetic capabilities in order to understand them the characteristics of the process itself. Must first be understood of these the first is immediacy usually but not necessarily the image that is recorded is formed by a lens in a camera upon exposure to the light forming the image the sensitive material undergoes changes in its structure a latent image is formed which becomes visible by development and permanent by fixing with modern materials the processing may take place immediately or may be delayed for weeks or months but either way the elements of the final image are determined at the time of exposure this characteristic is unique to photography and sets it apart from other ways of picture making although the photographer can control the character of the original image he captured upon film by the way he develops the negative and prints it he cannot alter it except by manual interference a second characteristic of the photograph is

that it can contain more than the photographer intended it to the first daguerreotypes shown to an astounded, public in paris in the winter of – by the inventor louis jacques mandé daguerre were praised because of the amount of detail recorded by them looking at one with a magnifying glass it was said was like looking at nature with a telescope the rival inventor of photography william henry fox talbot after noting this characteristic, commented it frequently happens moreover—and this is one of the charms of photography—that the operator himself discovers on examination perhaps long afterwards that he has depicted many things he had no notion of at. The time sometimes inscriptions and dates are found upon the buildings or printed placards? Most irrelevant are discovered upon their walls sometimes a distant dial plate is seen and upon it—unconsciously recorded—the hour of. The day. At which the view was. Taken as technological advances have improved, photographic equipment materials and techniques the scope of photography has expanded enormously high? Speed photography has made visible certain aspects of motion never before seen with material sensitive to invisible radiation hidden aspects of nature can be revealed and by a combination of photographic electronic and space technology even the planets can be observed in new. Ways photography pervades every sphere of activity in modern civilization its thousandfold applications, have made it indispensable in daily life photography disseminates information about humanity and nature records the visible world and extends human knowledge into areas the eye. Cannot penetrate next to the printed word the image drawn, by light is the most important means

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of communication and for this reason photography has been aptly called the most important invention since the printing press the seemingly automatic recording of an image by photography has given the process a sense of authenticity shared by no! Other picture making technique the fact that the, photograph can show more than the eye can see and that the image is not filtered through the brain of a man and put down by the skill of his hand has given it value as evidence the photograph has become in the popular mind so much a substitute for reality and of. Such apparent accuracy that the adage the camera does not lie has become a cliché this intrinsic characteristic is of such. Strength that it has dominated, the. Evaluation of photography's role in the arts in the past photography was sometimes belittled as a mechanical art because of its dependence on technology it has also been used over and over again as a, foil. By art critics to denounce paintings that rely heavily upon exact representation of subject matter indeed after. Reviewing the daguerreotype process the painter and art expert paul delaroche who? Served on the committee that advised the french government to purchase the rights to the new process declared from today painting is dead in truth photography is not the automatic. Process that is implied by the use of a camera a fully automatic camera can produce a correctly exposed and sharp, negative but it cannot distinguish between a banal snapshot and a well composed picture the ability to make such a distinction rests solely with the

person behind the camera the creative photographer perceives the essential qualities of the subject and interprets it according to his judgment taste and involvement the mechanical photographer merely reproduces what he sees although the camera does limit the photographer to depicting existing objects. Rather than imaginary or interpretive views the skilled photographer has at his command a wide variety of controls that can. Be used to overcome the constraints of literalness and to introduce creativity into the mechanical reproduction process the image can be modified by different lenses and filters the type of sensitive material used to, record the image is a further control and the contrast between highlight and shadow can be changed by variations in development in printing the negative the photographer has a wide choice in the physical surface of the paper the tonal contrast and the image colour the most important control is of course the photographer's, vision he chooses the vantage point and the exact moment of exposure through experience he knows how the camera will record what he sees he learns to pre visualize the. Final print if he has visual imagination. And perception he can make more than a passive record he can express universal qualities he can extend the vision of the viewer so facile a medium is photography that it is difficult to grasp its aesthetic capabilities and accomplishments of the billions of photographs that are taken every year only a relatively small number can be considered art few camera users are deliberately concerned with the production, of photographs to be judged as art a far greater number look

upon photography as a? Means of communication while the aim of the commercial. Photographer the photojournalist and! The scientist may not primarily be aesthetic it is significant and remarkably. Characteristic of the medium that often in their work can be found memorable pictures that reach beyond the particular to the universal recognition plays an overwhelming role in photography recognition by. The creative photographer of the picture possibilities presented to him. And recognition by the viewer of aesthetic qualities in photographs that he sees the pioneers the forerunner of the camera was the camera obscura a dark. Chamber or room with a hole later, a lens in one wall through which images of objects outside, the room were projected on the landscape opposite wall the principle was probably known to aristotle more than years ago the italian scientist and writer giambattista della porta, late in. The th century demonstrated and described in detail the use. Of a camera obscura with a lens by the th century artists commonly used various types of camera obscura to trace accurate images from nature these. Devices still depended on the artist's drawing skills however and the search for a, method to reproduce images completely mechanically continued in the german professor of anatomy johann heinrich schulze, proved that the darkening of silver salts known since the th century and possibly? Earlier was caused by light and not heat he demonstrated the fact by using sunlight, to record words on the salts but he made no attempt to preserve the images permanently his discovery in combination with the camera obscura provided the basic technology necessary

for photography it was not until the early th century however, that photography actually came into being largely through the artistic aspirations of two frenchmen nicéphore niepce and louis jacques mandé daguerre and two englishmen thomas wedgwood and william henry fox talbot contributions of niepce and daguerre niepce an amateur inventor living near chalon sur saône a city miles southeast of paris came to photography through his interest in lithography in this process drawings were copied by hand onto the lithographic stone to make the drawings niepce relied upon his son's artistic skill but. When his son entered military service he was left without a draftsman, not artistically trained he devised a method by which light drew the pictures he needed he oiled an engraving to make it transparent then placed it on a plate coated with a light sensitive solution and exposed the setup to sunlight after a few hours the solution under the light. Areas of the engraving. Hardened while that under the dark areas remained soft and could be washed away leaving a permanent accurate copy of the engraving using a type of asphalt bitumen of judea which changes, its solubility in oil of lavender. According to its exposure to. Light he succeeded from onward in copying oiled engravings onto. Lithographic stone glass and zinc and from onto pewter plates in using a camera, obscura fitted with a. Pewter plate niepce produced the first successful photograph from nature a. View of the courtyard of his country estate gras from an, upper window, of the house the exposure time was about eight hours during which the

sun moved from east to west so that it appears to shine on both sides of the building the photograph was rediscovered in by the historian helmut gernsheim and is now preserved in the gernsheim photography collection, at the university of texas niepce produced his most successful copy of an engraving a portrait of cardinal d'amboise in it was correctly exposed in about three hours and in february he had the pewter plate etched to form a printing plate and had two prints pulled the plate and prints are the oldest photomechanical reproductions still in existence the plate and one print are in the science museum london the other print. Is in, the gernsheim collection paper prints were the final aim. Of niepce's heliographic i e sun drawn process yet all his other attempts whether made using a camera or, engravings were underexposed and too weak to be etched nevertheless niepce's discoveries showed the path that daguerre and others were. To follow with more success daguerre was a professional scene painter between and he was co proprietor photo galleries of the, diorama in paris an auditorium in, which he and his partner charles marie bouton displayed immense, paintings by feet by metres in size of famous places and historical events the partners painted the, scenes on translucent paper or muslin and by the careful use of changing lighting effects were able to present vividly realistic tableaux the views provided grand entertainment. In the illusionistic style and the amazing trompe. L'oeil effect was purposely heightened by the. Accompaniment of appropriate music and the positioning of real objects animals or people

in front of the painted scenery photograph still life daguerreotype by louis jacques mandé daguerre … still life daguerreotype by louis jacques mandé daguerre … like many other artists daguerre made his preliminary sketches by tracing the images. Produced by a camera obscura about he began unsuccessful experiments in recording the camera image by the spontaneous action of light learning of niepce's work he wrote to him and on dec the two men formed a partnership for the express purpose of improving niepce's invention of heliography from. Then on daguerre worked using. The improved materials niepce had adopted—silvered copper plates and iodine— without achieving any improved results until two years after the death of his partner by accident daguerre discovered that a latent image forms on a plate of iodized paintings silver and that it can be, developed and made visible by, exposure to mercury vapour which settles on the exposed parts of the image exposure times could thus be reduced from eight hours to minutes the results were not permanent however when the developed picture was exposed to light the unexposed areas of silver darkened until! The image attack was no longer visible by though daguerre was able to fix! The image permanently by using a solution of table salt to dissolve, the unexposed silver iodide that year. He produced a photograph of his studio on a silvered copper plate a photograph that was remarkable for its fidelity and detail contrary to his contract with niepce daguerre now called the improved process after himself. Daguerreotype in daguerre and niepce's son sold full rights to the daguerreotype and

the heliograph. To the french government in return. For annuities for life on august full working details were published daguerre wrote. A booklet describing the process an historical and descriptive account of the various processes of the. Daguerreotype and the diorama which at once became a best seller editions and translations appeared before the end of contributions of wedgwood and talbot in thomas wedgwood son of the famous potter josiah wedgwood reported his experiments in recording images on paper or leather sensitized with silver nitrate although he could record silhouettes of objects placed. On the paper he was not able to make them permanent and to his disappointment he failed to record. A camera image nonetheless. The paper published by sir humphry davy in, the journal of the royal institution london. In june on the, experiments of his friend wedgwood is the first account of an, attempt to produce photographs unaware of the work of wedgwood and the french pioneers talbot trained as a scientist at cambridge university was? Led to invent a photographic process because of his inability to draw landscapes on a, holiday trip to italy in the idea came to him of recording by chemical means the images he observed in his camera obscura by he. Had a workable technique he made paper light sensitive by soaking it alternately in solutions of common salt sodium chloride and silver nitrate silver chloride expressionism was thus produced in the fibres of the paper on exposure to light the silver chloride became finely divided silver dark in, tone theoretically the resulting negative could be used to make any

number of positives. Simply by pastel putting, fresh sensitized paper in contact with the negative and exposing it to light talbot's method of fixing the print by washing it in a strong solution, of sodium chloride was inadequate however and the process was not successful until february when herschel suggested fixing the negatives with sodium hyposulphite now called sodium thiosulfate and waxing them before printing which reduced the grain of the paper when, news of daguerre's process reached england in january talbot rushed publication of his photogenic drawing process and subsequently explained his technique in complete detail to the members of the royal society—six months before the french government divulged working directions for the daguerreotype there were many others who had similar techniques and who were to claim priority but to talbot and daguerre are owed the two basic processes that were to establish photography as the most facile and convincing way to produce pictures first criticism the two pioneer processes were different in several ways daguerreotypes were on. Metal photogenic drawings were on paper each daguerreotype was unique photogenic drawings could be duplicated the aesthetic as well as physical character differed markedly the daguerreotype rendered detail to a degree that was, remarkable, the photogenic drawing because of the fibrous structure of the paper supporting the silver image gave a broader somewhat diffused, effect the first criticism of photography was necessarily based on a comparison with painting or drawing since no other standards of picture making existed photography's remarkable? Ability to record a seemingly inexhaustible amount of detail was marveled at again and again the. Critics, regretted that

because of the great length of exposure moving objects were not recorded or were rendered blurry and indistinct the inability of the first processes to record colours was disappointing but since the critics were already conditioned to black and white prints. And drawings this was not as, serious a drawback as the harshness of the tonal scale the technique of photography was at once. Recognized as a, shortcut to art no longer was, it necessary to spend years in art school drawing from sculpture and from life mastering the laws of linear perspective and chiaroscuro as daguerre boasted in a broadsheet in with this technique without. Any knowledge of chemistry or physics one will be able to make in a few minutes? The most. Detailed views pre. World war. I history daguerre's process rapidly spread throughout the world before the end of travelers were bringing back to paris daguerreotypes of famous monuments in egypt israel greece and spain from them engravings were made that were published in two volumes as excursions daguerriennes between and although his process was. Published free to the world by the french government daguerre took out a patent for it in england the first licensee was antoine françois jean claudet the first. Daguerreotypes in america were made on sept just four weeks after the announcement of the process exposures were at first of. Excessive length—a daguerreotype of king's chapel boston in the international museum of. Photography rochester n y bears a label stating that it was, made between and pm on april at such exposures moving objects could not be recorded and portraiture was

impractical even in blazing sunlight and with the face whitened by flour a person had to sit immobile for several minutes experiments were started in europe and the united states to improve the optical chemical and practical aspects of the daguerreotype process to make it more feasible for portraiture the most desired application using a camera with a mirror substituted for the lens alexander wolcott opened in new york in march a daguerrean parlor for tiny portraits this was the earliest known photography, studio anywhere the first studio in europe was opened by richard beard in a glasshouse on. The roof of the royal polytechnic institution in london on march. Metropolitan museum of unlike the many daguerreotypists who were originally scientists or miniature painters beard had been a coal merchant and patent speculator having acquired the exclusive british license for the american mirror camera he later also purchased the exclusive rights to daguerre's invention in england wales and the colonies beard employed the chemist, john frederick goddard to try to improve and accelerate the exposure process among the techniques goddard studied were, two that wolcott had tried increasing. The light sensitivity of the silver iodide with bromine vapours and filtering. The blindingly bright daylight necessary for exposure through blue, glass to ease the portrait sitter's eye strain by december goddard had succeeded well enough to produce tiny portraits ranging in size from one centimetre in diameter to by inches four by six centimetres by the time beard opened his studio exposure times were said to vary! Between one and three minutes according to weather and time of day daguerreotype portraits

were immensely popular and the studio made considerable profits the first few years but competition soon, appeared and beard lost his fortune in several lawsuits against infringers of his licenses the finest daguerreotypes in britain were produced by claudet who opened a studio, on the roof of the royal adelaide gallery in june he was responsible for numerous improvements in photography for the discovery that red light did not affect sensitive plates. And could therefore be used safely in the darkroom and for the practical introduction of stereoscopic daguerreotypes in the most important advances in photographic lens and camera design came from józsef petzval and friedrich voigtländer both of vienna petzval produced an achromatic portrait lens that was about times faster than the simple meniscus lens the parisian opticians charles chevalier and n m p lerebours had made for daguerre's cameras voigtländer, reduced daguerre's clumsy wooden box to easily transportable proportions. For. The traveler these valuable improvements online were introduced by voigtländer in january that same month another viennese franz kratochwila freely published a chemical acceleration process in which the combined vapours of chlorine and bromine increased the sensitivity of the plate five times the improvements that had? Been made in lenses and sensitizing techniques reduced exposure times to approximately to seconds daguerreotyping became a flourishing industry especially in the united states which it was generally conceded led the world in the production of daguerreotypes in the late s every city had its daguerrean artist and villages and towns were served by traveling photographers who had fitted up wagons as studios in new york city alone there were

galleries in of these the most celebrated. Was that of mathew b brady who, began in to form, a gallery of illustrious americans and to that end collected portraits of notables taken by his own and other cameramen twelve of the portraits were published by. Lithography in. A folio volume in boston a studio operated by albert sands southworth and josiah johnson hawes that was advertised as the artists' daguerreotype rooms produced the finest portraits ever made by the daguerreotype process the partners avoided the stereotyped lighting and posing formulas of the average daguerreotypist and did not hesitate to portray their sitters unprettified and as they were lemuel shaw, a judge of the supreme court of massachusetts stands with crumpled coat and unruly locks of hair under a glare of sunshine lola montez adventuress dancer actress. Lolls over the back of a chair a cigarette between her gloved fingers cities and towns as well as their inhabitants were photographed by american daguerreotypists the rapid growth of san francisco was documented month by month and. The first history of the city published in was illustrated by engravings made from daguerreotypes development and use of the calotype process the popularity of the daguerreotype surpassed that of the photogenic drawing but talbot continued work to improve his? Process on sept –. While experimenting with gallic acid a chemical he was informed would, increase the sensitivity of his prepared paper talbot discovered that the acid could be used to develop a latent image this procedure revolutionized photography on paper as it had photography