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Выигрываем билеты! :: Киевская Русь кинотеатр - Форум - :: Выигрываем билеты! Фильмы Сеансы Заказ билетов Залы Контакты Форумы

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Подсказки по поиску
AND is the default. That is, a search for dog and cat returns all messages that contain those words anywhere.

QUOTES (") allow searches for phrases. That is, a search for "dog cat" returns all messages that contain that exact phrase, with space.

MINUS (-) eliminates words. That is, a seach for dog and -cat returns all messages that contain dog but not cat. You can MINUS a phrase in QUOTES, like dog -"siamese cat".

The engine is not case-sensitive and searches the title, body, and author.



Кинотеатр «Киевская Русь» © 1982—2005
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