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Институт экспериментальной и клинической ветеринарной медицины







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  Вет. клиника







Managing laboratory

The candidate of veterinary sciences

Kiprich Valery Vladimirovich 

Ph. (0572) 707-20-32


         The division has been organized in 1991 as laboratory of manufacturing techniques vetbiopreparetions. With 1991 on 1999 the laboratory was headed by the candidate of veterinary sciences V.V.Kiprich, since 1999 on 2005 over collective supervised Cand.Biol.Sci. T.J.Truskova. Since 2005. the laboratory was headed again by V.V.Kiprich. Per 2003 under the decision of management the division has been renamed into laboratory of studying of bacterial diseases of birds and was part of a department of diseases of birds. In 2005. the laboratory is transferred in the new specially converted location which meets all modern requirements showed to bacteriological laboratories of such level.

         In laboratory have been developed: a set of components of nutrient mediums for Mycoplasma isolatin and cultivation; manufacturing techniques inactivated vaccines against avian colibacteriosis from epizootic strains of  E.coli for per os applications; manufacturing techniques of a nutrient medium for Enterobacteria cultivation in industrial volumes on the basis of forcemeat from sub-standard meat from bird and cow. Researches on development of liofilization technology of antigene for diagnostics BLV in READ and an antigene for detection of atypical mycobacterium were carried out. The effective circuit of bacteriological diagnostics of the nonspecific associated infections caused by aerobic and facultatively - anaerobac bacterial microflora is developed, allowing to reveal a maximum quantity of fellow microbiozenosis member and to define a role of each of them in development of disease.

         For the first time prevalence among serovars the Salmonella circulating in bird flocks of Ukraine has been established, S.enteritidis and is experimentally proved, that at per os infection it occupies all departments of intestines of a bird and can result in disease with a lethal outcome. The attention to necessity of a differential estimation of results serological researches of a bird on a salmonellosis (pullorosis) and bacteriological acknowledgement of the diagnosis has been inverted. Circuits of effective bacteriological diagnostics of salmonellosises are offered. The manufacturing techniques of a corpuscular antigene for revealing  antibodies to Salmonella in whey of blood, which working life of 18 months are developed. The technique of manufacturing of components of a set for indication of Salmonella in reaction coaglutination is fulfilled.

         Last years researches on studying dynamics of formation antibodies in whey of blood of chickens, per os infected Salmonella pullorum-gallinarum on a background parent  antibodies, and also correlation between presence antibodies, allocation of the activator in an environment and its localization in internal bodies were carried out. Monitoring distribution aerobic and facultative - anaerobic bacteria causing nonspecific infections of a bird is carried out. 

       The manufacturing techniques fitopreparation Vitastim into which structure enter extract needles and leaves of an oak, for increase of natural resistency and immunocorrection an organism of animals are developed.

Employees of laboratory actively cooperate with the Center of studying of deasises of  pets in a direction of studying of structure and biological properties secundary microflorae at inflammatory processes of mucous membranes and skin various etiologic in dogs and cats.

On the basis of results of own researches are developed the instructive and normative documents for veterinary practice


For today the basic direction of work in laboratory is development of complex systems epizootological monitoring, diagnostics, preventive maintenance and therapy Mycoplasma infection of an agricultural bird. Employees of laboratory carry out serologocal monitoring of distribution of Mycoplasma  infection among a bird in facilities in territory of Ukraine, are engaged in allocation field Mycoplasma isolates and studying of their biological properties. Work in a direction of improvement allcomponents nutrient mediums for Mycoplasma allocation and cultivation, and also development of diagnostic sets for Mycoplasma indication and biological products for preventive maintenance of Mycoplasma infection at birds is actively carried out.


The basic publication of laboratory:

1.Трускова Т.Ю., Бондар Л.О. Локалізація збудника в організмі і динаміка утворення аглютинуючих антитіл у сироватці крові курчат при латентному перебігу експериментального пулорозу.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2005.

2.Трускова Т.Ю., Обуховська О.В., Малахов М.В. Серологічний моніторінг респіраторного мікоплазмозу курей в птахогосподарствах Харківської області впродовж 2003–2005 рр..-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.

3. Глебова Е.В.  Сравнительная оценка ростовой активности питательных сред для культивирования микоплазм, выделенных от птиц.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.

      4. Бузун И.А. Диагностика респираторного микоплазмоза птиц.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.

5.Обуховська О.В., Пономаренко О.В., Келеберда Н.І., Обуховський Ю.М., Глєбова Е.В. Вивчення секундарної мікрофлори при демодекозних ураженнях шкіри собак.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.

6.Обуховська О.В., Обуховський Ю.М. Бактеріологічні дослідження патологічного матеріалу від котів при запаленнях шкіри та слизових оболонок.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.

7. Обуховська О.В., Келеберда Н.І., Обуховський Ю.М., Глєбова Е.В Аналіз результатів бактеріологічних досліджень патологічного матеріалу від собак при запаленнях шкіри та слизових оболонок.-ІЕКВМ.-Харків.-2006.