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Educational use of church singing - History of project

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History of project
"Educational use of church singing"

The beginning of the project has been caused by catastrophically heavy position of a church choir, especially on rural arrivals. The idea on creation of such self-instruction manual was for a long time, there was no opportunity only to execute desirable. The first and most persevering ideological project head was father Alexander Ilmensky (on a photo to the left of bishop Efrema).

After bishop Efrem has blessed the beginning of kind business, there were long searches of the form of realization idea which though was extremely necessary, but it was absolutely not clear, how this can be carried out - was not neither means, nor people who would know from what to begin, the equipment on which it would be possible to work. And here once in private conversation with director O/and "Prestige" Stanislav Denisenko (in a sacred christening Anastas) began to dawn light of hope for execution of the conceived project.

This person has helped to write down the first cartridge (" Unchangeable church chanting of Nightlong Vigil and the Divine liturgy ") at studio "777" which director, Igor Gromov, and sound producer Vitaly Baklunov, have concerned with attention to simple, but very important music for Church Hristovoj and owing to their works in half a year the master-disk was ready to release.
The first stage was behind. But our collection should include also notes of church chanting already sung and written down on the cartridge. The craft Divine has operated to meet about. David who has already become by the producer of the collection, with the brother mentioned above Stanislav Denisenko, Alexey, director O/and "Futuris" which only recently has printed the collection with the text of service to Cover Mother of God at itself in firm on the polygraphic equipment.

On a question, whether it is possible to make a similar press of the musical collection Alexey has answered, what yes, it is possible, but the expert on imposition of notes is necessary. This work about. David has decided to incur. But how? There was no neither a computer, nor the slightest skill of work on it, and here the Lord again has placed all on the places. The spiritual child about f. Alexander Valery Voropaj the computer had houses, and by itself showed the encyclopedia on any question, concerning this theme.

Valery has helped about to f. David to understand in computer maintenance, and to this day helps, when there is in it a need. So by means of its knowledge and the equipment the first collection of educational use " Unchangeable church chanting of Nightlong Vigil and the Divine liturgy " has been created. And here there was an idea on creation of house studio for work above the subsequent editions.

Alexander Levin, the sound producer of studio " Remi records " has helped to choose the necessary equipment for record and to process on it a sound. Now nothing could prevent to creation of continuation of the collection.

It is impossible to disregard those people who allocated and allocate personal means for the edition of our collections. One of our philanthropists, Ilya Baklinov, having learned that the next edition (osmoglasnik) prepares has helped a common cause that mite which just did not suffice for a press.

And when the son about f. Alexander Michael, being trained in Computer academy " Step " the site Dnepropetrovsk yachts-clubs has made as course work, the old dream of creation of own site on the Internet has got real outlines.

...There is a work above creation of the next collection. Pray for all those who has put the works in this hard business. Rescue you the Lord!

© ier. David Zanin, 2005-2006