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Proba pera  
Не судите слишком строго за слова и рифмы, а что касается содержания - просто было такое настроение.
Сколько не пыталась писать веселые стишки, ничего не получается. На русском тоже не выходит - вот, блин, засада :)

Seconds, minutes, hours,
Birds have gone to sleep.
Who can give me powers
Be strong and not to weep?

You hurt, I hurt - it's over!
So easy to pretend...
Not true - you missed, hit lower:
This pain is not the end.

The bruise is deep, it's bleeding,
"It might be worse!", they say.
I don't believe I'm feeding
The pain - just go astray!

Escape or leave, whatever,
I don't want even see
That I might have been clever
Not to believe in thee.


What is inside my head?
What is inside my heart?
Two very similar words,
Two truly separate worlds.

       Re: To try to live in both,
             And to survive in each
             Sometimes we are so close,
             Impossible to reach.

What is inside my mind?
What is inside my soul?
A pain, a dream, a light,
A blurred, unclear goal.

       Re: To try to live in both,
             And to survive in each
             Sometimes we are so close,
             Impossible to reach.

We are like day and night:
To never meet again,
To never win this fight,
And leave.. but where? Oh, damn!

LAST DANCE (my favorite)

Be safe! I let you go, my love...
Please, don't look back - you know how much it hurts.
I did suppose I'd never have enough
Of our nights and dreams and shameless thoughts.

Unwise to hope and kiss you in your eyes,
To hide my tears in shade of joyful smile.
How many times I wished the day would never pass?
How many days ahead will see me cry?

We're not to blame for the mistakes of life.
There is no chance to guess what waits for us:
Tomorrow brings new dreams, new move, new love -
Maybe it's hell, maybe it's paradize.

But please remember me as someone on your way,
Who stepped so gently in, to touch you once,
Unsatisfied with lies, so empty, to just say:
"Be well! I love you! ... and good-bye..."

 Copyright © Yakimakho, 2002