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Ukrainian News Feed - Apostrophe

Thursday, 8 February
Pregnant woman wounded and four killed: new data on enemy attack on Kyiv, photos
More than 40 cars were completely destroyed: photos and video of the aftermath of the strike on the service station in Kyiv
Wed, Feb 7
The same old story: Polish farmers announced a new date for a strike at the border
Wed, Feb 7
All news


Russians shelled the center of Kherson with artillery: four people were killed, photos

​Four people: three men and a woman - were killed as a result of artillery shelling in Kherson

Putin and Cheburnet: what is happening to the Russian 'sovereign' Internet

The Kremlin is considering the format of partial restriction and control of the Internet.

A sad day for Russia's Black Sea Fleet: video of the destruction of the missile boat "Ivanovets"

GUR destroyed Russian missile boat "Ivanovets" on a Lake Donuzlav in Crimea

Russian assets are a juicy fruit that hangs low - Deputy Minister of Justice

Россия обязана возместить Украине причиненный военной агрессией ущерб. Но как скоро удастся получить эти деньги?

Fear vs. Anger: Ways the US Political Crisis to Unfold

The Texas Conflict's Fallout Points to Joe Biden's Vulnerability, While Prospects for Aid to Ukraine Look Promising

Despite Hungary's blockage: EU will accept a €50bn aid package for Ukraine

The EU will allocate €50 billion to Ukraine despite Hungary's veto

Inconsistencies in Russian Propaganda: Questions Raised by the IL-76 Story

Experts have highlighted vulnerabilities in the strategies employed by Russian propaganda in its coverage of the IL-76 disaster.

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