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Actual problems of economics – SCIENTIFIC ECONOMIC JOURNAL

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Journal was founded in 2000 (state registration certificate # 4371 issued July, 11, 2000). The Journal is enlisted as a specialized economic periodical by the Higher Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles of Ukraine, the latest update of the accreditation – Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science # 261 as of 06.03.2015)

ISSN 1993-6788 (issued March, 1, 2007).

The journal is registered and indexed in the following international catalogues, databases and online libraries:

EBSCOhost – since 2011;
EconLit – since October 2013;
ABI/Inform by ProQuest – since January 2014;
Erih Plus (Norway) – since July 2016.
Scopus from 2008 up to 2016.

Establisher and publisher:
National Academy of Management, leading business school based in Kyiv, Ukraine Head of Editorial Board – Prof. Serhiy Yerokhin, the Rector of the Academy. The journal is a MONTHLY (12 issues per calendar year). Electronic version of an issue is available on this site in the middle of each month, while paper version is ready at the end of the same month.

Languages for publication: English, Ukrainian, Russian – upon author’s choice. In each monthly issue we are trying to keep the balance of 50% English texts and 50% of Russian and Ukrainian texts, though this proportion may vary.


The journal aims to publish a wide range of economics and business related texts. The key criteria for approval and further placement into an issue is practical relevance to the current economic context – local, regional and/or global. The most preferred topics include (though not necessarily limited to) the following:

  • State regulation of economic processes and their public administration
  • Economic reforms in transitive economies
  • Finance/financial market/stock exchange
  • Microfinance and crediting
  • International business and global trade
  • Marketing and communications
  • Accounting standards and audit
  • Statistical analysis
  • Innovations in economy and management
  • Knowledge economy, creative economy
  • Economic modelling and forecasts; foresight
  • IT application in business
  • Nature management, land management, sustainable development
  • Urban development and planning
  • Demographical and social aspects of economic development

If your text does not match any of the mentioned above topic exactly – please, email us the extended version of your abstract to double check before the blind review.