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English Language Proficiency Test

The English Language Proficiency Test (hereinafter referred to as the Exam) is a test-based component of the Unified State Qualification Exam (USQE) for the students enrolled in Master’s degree programs and majoring in the specialties that fall within the “22 Healthcare” branch of knowledge.

The English Language Proficiency Test is conducted in one stage, at the same time as the KROK exam.

The information about the exam results obtained by students is entered by the Testing Board into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, as well as stated in the appendix to the diploma.

The USQE procedure determines that this exam is to be held during the third year of higher education for the students majoring in “Stomatology”, “Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”, “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, and “Pediatrics”.

The exam is held as a written (paper-based) test.

You can see the Exam Schedule here:

Exam Goal

The exam goal is to assess the level of students' understanding of English for professional purposes, particularly the relevant terminology of fundamental professional disciplines mastered in the course of their training, as well as English grammar.

Types and Number of Test Items

The exam uses Multiple Choice Questions, each with only one correct answer.

The number of test tasks is 50.

Sample test tasks are uploaded to the educational module, the purpose of which is to help students prepare for the exam. The educational module can be accessed here:

Exam Duration

The duration of the exam is 1 hour 40 minutes. There is no time limit for completing individual test tasks.

Assessment of the Exam Results

The exam results are presented qualitatively and quantitatively.

Qualitatively, the results are presented in the “pass” / ”fail” format and are based on the professional competence requirements for healthcare workers, as determined by the national standards for higher education.

Quantitatively, the primary results are presented as a portion of correctly completed test tasks that is converted into a score using a multiple-point normalized scale.

For each correctly completed test task the student is awarded 1 point, while each incorrectly completed test task earns the student 0 points (no points are deducted for incorrect answers). The total number of obtained points is converted into a percentage of correct answers.

A test task is considered to be completed correctly, when the examinee has chosen and marked the correct answer in the answer sheet.

A test task is considered to be completed incorrectly, when:

  • a wrong answer is marked;
  • two or more answers are marked, even if one of them is the correct one;
  • no answer is marked.

Exam Procedure and Conditions

Exam procedure and conditions can be found here:

Additional Exam Session

One additional exam session is held for the students who were absent at the exam and have a reasonable excuse for their absence (properly confirmed with necessary documents).

The date for an additional exam session is determined by the Testing Board.

Reasonable excuses for the absence at the exam include:

  • an illness at the time of the exam, confirmed by the health certificate of temporary disability (form №095/о) or its copy;
  • a death in the family, including the in-laws;
  • a natural disaster, fire, or technogenic disaster on the day of the exam or on the day before the exam.

If such students fail to submit the documents that provide them with a reasonable excuse for their absence at the exam or if they submit such documents later than within the three-day-period after the exam, it is considered that they were absent at the exam without a reasonable excuse and they obtain “0” score.

The “Pass” criterion

36,0 %

In 2022, the “pass” criterion requires 36.0% of correct answers.

The “pass” criterion is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Decree №106 “On adoption of the criteria for passing the Test-Based Licensing Integrated Exams and the “pass” criterion for the “KROK” Integrated Test-Based Exam and English Language Proficiency Test as components of the Unified State Qualification Exam in 2021-2023”, issued by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on January 22, 2021 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 02, 2021 under №269/35891).

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Kyiv, 04050

  +38 (044) 298-71-39
  Mon.–Th.: 8:15 - 17:00
      Fri: 8:15 - 16:00

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