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Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support
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Tel. / Fax: (048) 734-10-24
Bazarna Str., 47, Odessa

Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support



The Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support (CUTIS) Project is a 5-year (2016-2021) Canadian development assistance initiative designed to lower poverty in Ukraine through increasing exports from Ukraine to Canada and investment from Canada to Ukraine.


Information to successfully export to Canada and attract investments from Canada

CUTIS project in partnership with Ministry of economic development and Export Promotion Office will provide Ukrainian businesses with the information needed to export their goods to Canada and attract Canadian investments.

Education for the exporters to Canada

An active educational campaign on specifics of exports to Canada and benefits of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement is planned. In cooperation with Ministry of economic development and Export Promotion Office CUTIS project will carry out practical trainings, seminars, webinars, and other events throughout Ukraine.

Services for the exporters to Canada

In coordination with Export Promotion Office the project will consult Ukrainian businesses concerning their export-readiness, search of business partners in Canada, Canadian standards, and regulatory demands.

Business opportunities for the exporters to Canada

CUTIS project will support the participation of Ukrainian businesses in trade fairs, exhibitions and B2B-events aimed at expanding business connections with Canada, increasing exports and attracting investment.


The program's expert in Odessa: Olga Kopylova


Tel .: +38 (048) 7293203; +38 (067) 4848226 (Telegram)

