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Become a member of the UCCI
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Tel. / Fax: (048) 734-10-24
Bazarna Str., 47, Odessa

Membership in Chamber

How to become a member of the Chamber

To become members of ORCCI, who also become members of the UCCI at the same time, it is necessary to contact the ORCCI, provide the necessary documents on the attached list and pay entry and membership fees.

Members of the Chamber may be legal entities established and acting in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine, registered as entrepreneurs, and associations of entrepreneurs.

Adoption of the members of the Chamber is carried out by the governing bodies of the ORCCI with further notification of the UCCI.

List of documents required for membership in the Odessa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry

1. Statement

2. Questionnaire

3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

4. A completed profile of the ORCCI member.

5. Extract from the register of tax payers of value added tax (VAT).

All documents must be certified by the company's seal.

Entrance membership fee - 1000 UAH.

Annual contribution:

for small businesses that carry out production activities or provide services - 600 UAH;
for associations, consortia, unions, leagues and other associations of entrepreneurs - 5000 UAH;
for medium and large enterprises that carry out production activities or provide services - 2500 UAH;
for budget institutions, as well as non-recourse enterprises and institutions - 600 UAH.

Consultations on ORCCI membership issues:

Management of foreign trade, exhibition activities and work with Chamber Members

Tel. (048) 777-20-96, (0482) 49-63-07.


Membership advantages

  • Representation and protection of your business interests in Ukraine and abroad;

  • Assistance in establishment of economic ties with foreign businesses, export through the network of foreign CCI offices (34 countries);

  • B2G | B2B | B2U;

  • Assistance in developing your business through the network of 25 regional CCIs;

  • Participation in business events held by UCCI (over 2300 events per year);

  • Access to commercial offers from foreign companies;

  • Availability of letters of recommendation confirming the membership in the Chamber for embassies and business partners abroad;

  • Access to contact details of potential partners for your business;

  • Receiving electronic printed publications of Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

  • Representing business interests in 25 regions of the country and abroad;

  • PR and event support of your business.

Members' Rights and Obligations

Odessa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers membership to legal entities which are founded and operate in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, as well as citizens of Ukraine who are registered as entrepreneurs, and their associations;

Membership in the Chamber of Commerce is voluntary.

Members of the Chamber are entitled to:

  • participate with an active vote in the work of the General Meeting or to elect delegates to the Congress of Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in the order established by the Council of Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce ;
  • elect and be elected in the management committee of ORCCI, as well as UCCI; make proposals to the General Meeting, executive committee on issues within the scope of ORCCI activities, executive committee of ORCCI, as well as the Congress, Council and Presidium of UCCI;
  • receive the necessary assistance in ORCCI and UCCI in solving issues within the respective fields;
  • use the services of ORCCI and UCCI as a priority member and on preferential terms, determined executive committee.

Members of the Chamber are obliged to:

  • actively contribute to the implementation of the tasks and functions of ORCCI;
  • make registration and membership fees to the Chamber;
  • carry out activities on the principles of mutual respect, partnership, integrity, without resorting to unacceptable competition.

Termination of membership in the Chamber:

  • a member of the Chamber may terminate his/her membership in Odessa Chamber and at the same time in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine by filing a written application;
  • a member of the Chamber who has not paid a membership fee during the year is deemed to have terminated his membership in ORCCI and UCCI;
  • the decision about the termination of the membership in the Chamber is taken by the same committee which accepted it as a member of the Chamber.
To become a member of the UCCI, please, fill out the form below and we will contact you