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Elevating pesticides analysis with the new Orbitrap Exploris MS

Methods for multi-class analysis of pesticides in food have made incredible progress since LC-triple quadrupole mass spectrometers became more widely available at the turn of the century. 20 years later modern triple…

Breathe new life into hypoxia research Intracellular detection of low oxygen tension in live cells.

Oxygen homeostasis is an important physiological process that is required to maintain cellular health and function. Hypoxia is a condition of low oxygen tension in tissues and contributes significantly to the…

No-Wash, No-Lyse Assays for the Attune® NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer

First, do no harm A key objective in many cell biology workflows is to maintain the cells’ native characteristics throughout the analysis. Minimal sample preparation and manipulation helps to ensure that researchers are…

Attune™ NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer