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13.10.2020 | France and Spain join forces in deal veto warning as fishing row erupts
Source - The Daily Express

BREXIT talks could become increasingly chaotic after fishermen from both France and Spain have warned they will pressure their government to veto any deal if their rights to British waters are not protected.

13.10.2020 | Donald Trump in Florida: Joe Biden Was ‘A Big Lover of Castro’
Source - Breitbart

President Donald Trump on Monday warned Floridians that former Vice President Joe Biden was a “big lover” of the Communist Castro dictatorship.

13.10.2020 | Donald Trump just took the lead in this must-win swing-state
Source - Patriot Pulse

Other polls released on Friday showed Donald Trump up four in Arizona, two in Georgia, and five and seven points in Texas.

12.10.2020 | Grenell: Russia Collusion a ‘Hoax’ — ‘Somebody Needs to Go to Jail’
Source - Breitbart

Grenell said it is clear now the alleged Russian collusion is a “hoax” that “career intelligence officials” knew about it and kept quiet.

12.10.2020 | Donald Trump backed: New poll shows overwhelming support for US President
Source - The Daily Express

Trump is trailing his Democrat rival Joe Biden in US opinion polls but a new UK survey has put the President way out in front in the race for the White House.

12.10.2020 | Donald Trump at Blexit Protest: Black, Latino Americans Rejecting Radical Socialist Left
Source - Breitbart

President Donald Trump on Saturday spoke to a group of supporters who organized a peaceful protest for law and order at the White House.

12.10.2020 | Donald Trump made one phone call that spells big trouble for Barack Obama
Source - Patriot Pulse

Chief of staff Mark Meadows revealed in an interview on Fox and Friends that the President instructed Meadows to move ahead with declassifying documents from the Russian collusion witch hunt that Devin Nunes requested.

12.10.2020 | NATO Secretary General: We will leave Afghanistan together
Source - NATO Watch

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg insisted that NATO members will consult with each other and decide together when to leave Afghanistan.

12.10.2020 | BREXIT sell-out: Britain set to become 'EU colony' with 'grotesque' trade deal
Source - The Daily Express

A new report has warned that Boris Johnson will fail to get as good a deal as the one Canada had with the EU if he comes to an agreement with Brussels.

11.10.2020 | Mike Pence Moves to Seal Deal for Trump in Sunshine State: ‘Road To Victory Runs Right Through Florida’
Source - Breitbart

Vice President Mike Pence rallied at a Latinos for Trump event here on Saturday as President Donald Trump now leads his Democrat opponent former Vice President Joe Biden in the Sunshine State.


12.10.2020 | Commission Cancels 2nd Debate as Trump Forges Ahead with Campaign Reboot, Rallies
Source - Headline USA

Obviously he doesn’t have the guts to answer for his record to voters at the same time as Vice President Biden.

11.10.2020 | Hillary Clinton — not Trump — colluded with Russians in effort to win 2016 election
Source - Fox News

She did exactly what she accuses Trump of doing


08.10.2020 | The allure of a sellout Brexit risks turning Boris into the next Ted Heath
by Sherelle Jacobs - The Telegraph

The Prime Minister wouldn’t survive the ignominy of deceiving the nation with a dreadful deal

07.10.2020 | Report claims Hillary OK’d effort to defeat Trump in 2016 with false Russia collusion charge
Fred Fleitz - Fox News

A letter from John Ratcliffe given to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday was a true bombshell, alleging that U.S. intelligence was weaponized in an effort to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

28.09.2020 | Russian forces are now in Belarus
by Frederick W. Kagan - The Hill

Putin has taken advantage of the problems facing Lukashenko to compel the Belarusian dictator to concede to his demands for integration with Russia. The Russian permanent military presence in Belarus has started.

18.09.2020 | Judging the Impact of U.S. Force Reductions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
by Anthony H. Cordesman - CSIS

The Burke Chair at CSIS has released an analysis on the U.S. force cuts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as well as on the corresponding impact these cuts will have to the future U.S. defense posture in the region.

16.09.2020 | 7 important updates in the Department of Defense’s 2020 China Military Power Report
by Zack Cooper - AEI

The Pentagon has just released the 2020 China Military Power Report, one of the leading sources of reliable information on China’s military.

09.09.2020 | The Black Sea region in a future US grand strategy
by Giselle Donnelly - AEI

The good news about the Black Sea vacuum is that it remains a vacuum.Converting the Black Sea region from a no-man’s-land to a bulwark of a 21st century liberal order is the logical next step.

01.09.2020 | The Greater Middle East: From the “Arab Spring” to the “Axis of Failed States”
by Anthony H. Cordesman - CSIS

It is time to take a hard, blunt look at what has happened to country-after-country in the region. Far too many have become “failed states” in ways that go beyond the threat posed by Iran, extremism, and ethnic and sectarian divisions.

26.08.2020 | Chronology of Possible Russian Gray Area and Hybrid Warfare Operations
by Anthony H. Cordesman - CSIS

The Burke Chair at CSIS has released an updated chronology of Russian civil and military operations that involve Russian competition with the United States.

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