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Dmytro Donets appointed as leader of the Dispute Resolution Practice at PwC Legal Ukraine – The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law
NEWS (September 12, 2017)

Dmytro Donets appointed as leader of the Dispute Resolution Practice at PwC Legal Ukraine

On 20 September Dmytro Donets will join the Attorneys Association PwC Legal Ukraine as a partner and will lead the dispute resolution practice.

Dmytro is a senior tax lawyer with extensive experience in dispute resolution, as well as a profound knowledge of corporate taxation (including financial accounting and reporting), transfer pricing, investment structuring and profit repatriation issues.

His expertise comes from more than ten years of working as a tax consultant and two years of experience in leading the tax dispute department of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS).

While working at the SFS, Dmytro managed the tax litigation and pre-court appeal functions, both at headquarter level and regional level.

Prior to joining the SFS, Dmytro spent about 7 years with DLA Piper Ukraine as a senior tax associate. In this capacity, Mr. Donets advised local and multinational clients on various tax, customs and regulatory issues, and assisted clients in the course of tax audits and post audit negotiations with tax authorities.


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