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Adult Jokes
Adult Jokes

Animal Jokes

Bar Jokes

Blonde Jokes

Children Jokes

Chuckcha Jokes

College Jokes

Computer Jokes

Deep Thoughs

Dirty Jokes

Family Jokes

Fart Jokes

Funny Quotes

Gender Jokes

Jew Jokes

Knock Knock Jokes

Lawyer Jokes

Medical Jokes

Military Jokes

Misc Jokes

Mother in Law Jokes

New-Russian Jokes

Political Jokes

Redneck Jokes

Relationship Jokes

Religious Jokes

Sports Jokes

Traffic Cop Jokes

Yo Mama Jokes

Adult Jokes

Hypothetically Speaking

Tricked Him

Check your Dirty IQ!

Jeff the Bellboy

what women would do if they had a penis for a day

Home from the Air Force

Growing Wild

Math Lesson


Low Sperm Count

Duct Tape

- Name? - Abu Dalah Sarafi.

Bedroom Golf

Popular guy

Birds and Bees

A guy is lost in the desert

Always Been a Doubt

Grilling Remarks

Grass Sandwich

2 Wonderful Hours

How Many Women

Difference Between Men and Women

what men would do if they had a vagina for a day

Why Studying Is Better Than Sex


Genius Boyfriend

An old old woman is walking in the forest with a gun

16 years later

Lifetime Savings

Cigarette Warnings


After the Office Party

Daughters are curious~~~

Easily Explained

the perfect day

Afternoon Quickie

Three mens are talking about women

A group of men came to a river and saw that on an island som...

101 Things Not To Say During Sex

On the first day of college, the dean addressed the students...

Dead Pussy

American Beer

First Thing to do after Jail

Gold Medalist


An Hour of Pleasure

Clever man + clever woman = soft flirting

How many calories do we burn during sex

A female university student was asked how much money she wou...

Loving on the Lawn

"Know to avoid getting pregnant? Drink soda

- What kind of sex do you prefer

First Visit

The father and his son go home from school

The daybook of an adyg [nationality]:

A woman went to a resort with her son

Off to Vegas

Question: Can a woman serve as a diplomat?

Question: I would like to marry a girl, but I am not sure sh...

A Favor

During the race a man had his tires broken

Question: How can it be that ugly cocoons convert into beaut...

A woman said to her husband, "Why are your eyes slanted?"

Question: Can a man rape a woman while jogging?

A speaker says:

An old lord married a young innocent girl

A note in the sex-shop: "Read the magazines holding them wit...

Making Love to a Woman

10 answers to the question, why sleep is better than sex

A man raped a girl in a dark lane

Poruchik Rzhevsky woke up in the morning with an excellent m...

If magicians conjure with a magic stick, so witches - with a...

A woman hitchhiked at a rural road

is it michael jackson

The plane flies

One farmer was going to the city on business and said to his...

"My name is Ann! Ten years I manicured men

Question: Why did our scientists photograph the backside of ...

The Bible teaches to love your neighbour,

Question: Should an eighteen years old girl go to bed at eig...

A seaman is lucky: a girl is waiting for him in the seaport!

Question: Is it true that carrots are good against impotency?

Grandma asks her young granddaughter:

Crowded Subway

- Hey, cutie, why do you keep silent?

An astronaut reports:

Making Love To...

A group of tourists came to Paris and took a bus tour

A popular French magazine held a contest for the best descri...

- Are you unmarried?

There are three kinds of coitus - oral, anal and banal

Two women met and one said, "Masha, have you heard Sonya was...

Three guys are having a picnic on a little lake during summer

Two girlfriends are talking:

In a court, a case of rape is adjudicated

In a Zoo, two young women stand in front of a cage and look ...

Excuse Me, Your Fly Is Unzipped

Question: Is it possible for a man to give a birth?

A wild blood chilling scream from a brothel room

Newly wed couple

Those who look through women loose a lot.

Only spermatozoon can touch the spot by accident.

What do women of different nationalities say if a husband ap...

Two friends met

"One must ALWAYS be careful,"- a nun was thinking while putt...

A Scrote

Beautiful lake in spring

"Ya lublu tebya", say the Russians

A mother and a daughter walk in a dark forest

Two girlfriends talk:

A masohist married a sadist

A soiree, music, champagne, people are dancing

Question: Are there men who do not cheat on their wives when...

The plane flies

If your wife left you you should remember how you succeeded ...

One false movement - and you are father.

Top of emancipation: a woman-gay.

- Do you like the kids?

If a woman holds her head slightly to the right, it means sh...

"What can be more terrible than the pit bull terrier infecte...

Question: How long it takes to persuade a woman?

Hussars wager who of them screwed a younger girl

A student asks the professor:

Better to deliver a baby once in a lifetime than to have to ...

What is the best contraceptive pill ?

Near-beer is the first step to the rubber woman.

Girls are like cans: one opens, the others scoff.

Two partners, Misha and Vitya, opened in Moscow a boutique f...

The ending of a party

Natasha and Poruchik Rzhevsky are dancing on a grand ball:

Mr. Morse liked to visit a bathhouse very much

A French magazine announced a competition for a best short s...

Fire in a whorehouse

Two friends are fishing

A man is boating along the river and sees the second man sta...

A plane crashed in the ocean near an uninhabited island

The husband with the wife in the bed

An old colonel came to a yard sale of an old lady

A Frenchman and a Russian met and talked about women

- How do you find my breast?

"Miss, why are you looking at me as if your parents are out ...
