Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
  1. UCR Library | library.ucr.edu– Official website. Library of the University of California, Riverside.
  2. iRecommend | irecommend.ru– «Reviews about everything». Manual reviews about everyday things.
  3. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine | nbuv.gov.ua– The National Library of Ukraine VI Vernadsky. The largest by volume and area of the library fund of Ukraine.
  4. PILULI | piluli.kharkov.ua– Medication Guide. Literature, the price of the pharmacy information, etc.
  5. Royal Spanish Academy | rae.es– Academic institution, based in Spain, whose purpose is to study the Spanish language and literature.
  6. ABOMUS | abomus.com.ua– Online resource of shopping, sale, lease of real estate.
  7. GosBuk | gosbook.ru– Russian e-Government Website. Social network, up to discuss various issues of Russian state policy management, officials, businessmen and experts in various fields.
  8. iLive.com.ua | ilive.com.ua– Information resource, useful information about important aspects of life (health, family, children, beauty, fashion, food and diet, relationships, sports, etc.).
  9. Duden | duden.de– "Duden" - a dictionary or set of rules of grammar and spelling of the German language.
  10. Librusec | lib.rus.ec– Website, electronic library (Russia), allows users to read and download text books, including copyrighted.