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2016 Sea Gals Auditions

Pre-Audition Information

There will be a series of six workshops* (not mandatory to audition) designed to help you prepare for the 2016 Sea Gals auditions. Four workshops will be "open workshops" and two will be "intensive workshops." It is advisable, but not necessary, to attend any of the workshops in order to audition.

You may attend all of the open workshops if you wish, however may only attend one intensive workshop. The Sea Gals director Sherri Thompson and Choreographer Courtney Moore will teach the workshops.

Please remember that this is a help session, not an audition, so relax and have fun.

The cost is $30 per "open workshop" with no reservation required and $100** per "intensive workshop" with pre-registration required.

Workshop Dates
Open Workshops
Feb. 28, Mar. 27, April 3 & 10
3:00pm-4:30pm | Gold's Gym Issaquah (Large Studio)

Intensive Workshops
April 2
10am-12:30pm | VMAC

April 2
1:30pm-4:00pm | VMAC


*You must be eligible for the 2016 squad to participate in a workshop.
**Registration for "intensive workshop" is non-refundable.

More information below

Audition Schedule

Saturday, April 16 - 12:00 PM
Virginia Mason Athletic Center

Open to anyone who meets the requirements below wishing to try out who has not previously been on the Sea Gals squad.

You will dance freestyle for one minute to the music provided by the Seahawks.

A $20 audition fee (cash only) will need to be paid at time of registration.

Those invited back to compete in the Semi-Final Competition will be taught a routine to be performed Sunday, April 17th.

All former Sea Gals (excluding 2015 squad) must report at 2:45 PM Saturday, April 16th, to learn Semi-Final routine and go through Semi-Final competition on Sunday, April 17th.

Sunday, April 17 - 12:00 PM
Virginia Mason Athletic Center

For all contestants invited back from the Preliminary Round and former Sea Gals (excluding the 2015 squad).

Will perform routine taught at the end of Preliminary Round.

Those invited back for the Final Competition will be scheduled for individual interviews on April 20 & 21 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.

Friday, April 22 - 6:00 PM
CenturyLink Field West Club Lounge

Finalists will be taught the Final Audition dance routine to be performed on April 24.

Finalists will be photographed at the beginning of the session.

Sunday, April 24 - 5:00 PM
CenturyLink Field West Club Lounge

3:00 p.m. check-in - review routine; 5:00 p.m. - judging and live webcast starts (time subject to change)

The 2016 squad consisting of 24 – 32 members will be announced at the end of the competition.

More Information

You must be at least 19 years of age and have obtained a high school diploma or equivalent by April 1, 2016.

The audition attire is short lycra type shorts and crop top/bra top. Dance or tennis shoes.

Shop at The Line Up and receive a discount. More information (PDF)

For the final competition we will provide you with black low rise boy cut briefs which you will be required to wear (no tights or nylons). You will need a black sleeveless bra top of your own to go with the shorts.

What to Bring with You
Sea Gal Questionnaire, picture identification, a snapshot of yourself (will not be returned) and the $20 audition fee (cash only).

You will be judged in three categories: dance ability, physical appearance and showmanship.

Location of competitions

Virginia Mason Athletic Center:
12 Seahawks Way
Renton, WA 98056

CenturyLink Field:
800 Occidental Ave S
Seattle, WA 98104

Registration & Rules
In order to participate in the Sea Gals auditions, each attendee must print off a registration form (PDF), agree to the Sea Gals squad rules (PDF) and pay the $20 audition fee (cash only).

Pre-Audition Information

There will be a series of six workshops* (not mandatory to audition) designed to help you prepare for the 2016 Sea Gals auditions. It is advisable, but not necessary, to attend any of the workshops in order to audition.

Four of the workshops will be considered "open workshops" and can be attended at a cost of $30 and will be held at a local Gold's Gym. Open workshops will consist of instruction on dance steps, sample dance routine, and a Q&A session about auditions.

Two of the workshops will be "intensive workshops" at a cost of $100 (non-refundable) and be held at a location to be determined. Intensive workshops (limit of 20) will consist of instruction on Sea Gal dance style technique, two sample dances, hair/make-up tips, speaking, costume information, Q&A session on auditions and personal attention.

You may attend all of the "open workshops" if you wish, however may only attend on "intensive workshop." The Sea Gals director Sherri Thompson and Choreographer Courtney Moore will teach the workshops.

Audition costumes by Laurel will be available for purchase at each workshop.

Please remember that this is a help session, not an audition, so relax and have fun.

The cost is $30 per "open workshop" with no reservation required. The cost is $100 per "intensive workshop" and reservation will be required**.

*You must be eligible for the 2016 squad to participate in a workshop.
**Registration for "intensive workshop" is non-refundable.

Workshop Dates
Open Workshops
Feb. 28, Mar. 27, April 3 & 10
3:00pm-4:30pm | Gold's Gym Issaquah (Large Studio)

Intensive Workshops
April 2
10am-12:30pm | VMAC

April 2
1:30pm-4:00pm | VMAC