
Bank's shareholders are:

  • V.G. Subotin – direct and indirect participation 60.89% of authorized capital;
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) – 15.00% of authorized capital;
  • German Development bank KfW – 15.00% of authorized capital;
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC) – 6.02% of authorized capital.

Another 3.09% of authorized capital is owned by more than 240 legal entities and individuals – residents and nonresidents.

Shareholder's meeting

The order of preparation and conduct of the bank's General Shareholders' Meeting is determined by the Regulation about the order of preparation and conduct of the bank's General Shareholders' Meeting, which is approved by General Shareholders' Meeting. The working bodies of the general meeting are: chairman of the general meeting, organizational committee, whose functions performs the secretary of the general meeting, registration commission.

All bank's shareholders have equal rights regardless of the number of shares and in accordance with existing legislation and the bank's Charter.