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Journal History

Journal History

University of banking of the National bank of Ukraine (city of Kyiv) has created the Collection of scientific proceedings of the: «Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice» on the base of Kharkiv institute of banking and publishes it twice per year.

The Collection has a print and an Online ISSN:

– 2306-4994 (Print);

– 2310-8770 (Online).

The Collection is put on the list of the specialized editionsof Ukraineaccording to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine 29.12.2014  №1528 (Attachment 11)  № 86.

From the Collection creation it’s included and represented in the international informational and scientometric data bases:

- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (USA)

- Index Copernicus (Poland)

- CiteFactor Academic Scientific Journals (USA)

- International Search System Google Scholar

- ResearchBib (Japan)

- Universal Imfact Factor (Australia)

- Russian Science Index

- National library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky

- State data base “Ukrayinika naukova”

- Ukrainian abstract journal “Dzherelo”