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  • The World Nobel Students’ Internet Contest on Economics
  • Departments
  • Innovative Methods of Teaching
  • International Contest of Under-graduate and Post-graduate Students’ Research Papers Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of W.W. Leontief’s Rewarding with the Nobel Prize
  • Student Mobility Project
  • University Policy and Objectives
  • International Activity of Alfred Nobel University
  • Results of the Second International Nobel Economic Forum
  • Results of the Second International Nobel Economic Forum
  • Conferences and workshops 2011-2012
  • Code of Behavior
  • Research Managers and Supervisors
  • Programmes of Mobility 2011-2012
  • RESOLUTION of the Third Session of the World Nobel Congress in Economics
  • International conference «Development of Financial Management and Financial System Reformation in a Chaotically Structured Economy»
  • The Rezults of the Third Session of the World Nobel Congress in Economics


Research at Alfred Nobel  University of Economics and Law (Dnipropetrovs'k) is devoted to the features and trends of formation and development of market relations in Ukraine.

Faculty members, researching some important industries, carry out scientific analysis of problems of enterprise, privatization, the stock market, social and legal aspects of business and economic policy.

Considerable attention is given to research on management, the stock market and financial management. The key research objective of the University is studying the socio-psychological and political problems of the economic system of Ukraine. Emerging new approaches to the management of economic entities under different forms of ownership are processed by specific methods and recommendations concerning general theoretical and practical issues. The faculty of the International Communication Institute are working on original scientific methods of learning foreign languages.

The University is included in the State Register of scientific institutions which receive support from the state (certificate number 00 233 BB from 13.10 in 2003) due to the fact that it has developed its own schools of economics, within which complex research is undertaken.

Today, the various schools of the University are researching such complex themes as:

  • The formation and structure of market infrastructure and reform of state regulation of the economy in the context of transformation in the system of economic relations (state registration number 0104U008830)
  • Features and operation of enterprises under different forms of ownership in the context of transformation of the economy (state registration number 0104U008831)
  • Problems of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the higher-middle market environment (state registration number 0104U008832)
  • Developing methods and models of economic strategy of higher education institutions (state registration number 0106U001084
  • Problems and prospects of development of Ukraine's financial system - the real issues (state registration number 0104008353)
  • Vibrational frequency methods of measurement and control of technological parameters of production processes (state registration number 0106U 000 820)
  • Reform of the financial and credit system and stimulation of economic growth (state registration number 0106U006313)
  • Enhancing the role of the banking system in economic growth (state registration number 0106U006314)

In recent years 42 candidate and 9 doctoral theses have been prepared and defended. Today 53 people are working on candidate theses and 6 on doctoral dissertations.

Of the 53 people working on candidate theses 9 are studying full time and 45 part time. Postgraduate students studying for higher academic degrees are actively working to develop topics of relevance to the national economy.

The research conducted by the faculty of the University has been published in 16 monographs, 199 books and manuals (including 55 carrying the Mona label) Training has been conducted in over 20 copyright control methods of assessing students and more than 510 methodological guidelines in all disciplines have been issued . Thus it is fair to say that the educational process is being carried out 100% through methodological literature. Over the last two years published 518 articles and abstracts of reports have been published in academic journals and collections .

From their first year at the University our students are engaged in research work , the results of which they present at annual academic conferences. The proceedings of these conferences are published in thematic collections of abstracts.

DUEL produces professional-academic publications in collections of reports , «European Vector of Economic Development», the journal «Academic Review», «Bulletin of the International Nobel Economic Forum», in which are presented the latest research results and current achievements in economics and business in the context of Ukraine’s present day economic situation and political structure .

Since 1998 the University has conducted postgraduate courses ( ratified by decision of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine on June 25, 1998 № 3/9-2/3 and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 22.12.2006, № 872) in the following fields :

  • 08.00.01 - the Theory and History of Economic Thought
  • 08.00.03 - Economy and Management of National Economy
  • 08.00.04 - Economy and Enterprise Management
  • 08.00.08 - Money, Finance and Credit

According to orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on 03.04.2002, No 164 and 22.12.2006, № 872 doctoral work is conducted at the University in the following specialties:

  • 08.000.03 - Economy and Management of the National Economy
  • 0800.04 - Economy and Enterprise Management