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LEASE is a recognized financial instrument being a peculiar kind of catalyst of the level of investment activity of the economy. Leasing as one of the forms if investment gives an opportunity to update and qualitatively improve fixed assets of enterprises, expand the production facilities, which eventually allows considerably increasing the level of competitiveness of products manufactured by them. Presently, leasing in Ukraine develops at high speed and has large potential demand.

Leasing is one of forms of legal relations implying that a lessor purchases property specified by a lessee from a vendor specified by the lessee, and lets such property in temporary ownership and use to the lessee for specific fee for production purposes.

Upon expiry of the term set forth by the lease agreement, the lessee may purchase the title in the property by agreement with the lessor or return the leased facility. In accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, property related to fixed assets of the enterprise may be let on lease.

The priority in operation of our leasing company is operating lease.

Principal advantages of operating lease:

Reduced need of own start-up capital. In case of operating lease, considerable scopes of own current assets are not distracted, down payment usually equals to 30%-50% of the leased facility value. In this case, matters related to purchase of fixed assets, finance of deals and efficient use of current capital are resolved simultaneously.

As a rule, it is easier and more profitable for an enterprise to receive property on lease, than to borrow credit funds for its purchase, as a leased facility is owned by the lessor and may be taken as mortgage securing the lessor’s obligations to the creditor bank. The lessee is released from making additional mortgage and related procedures, which is compulsory in case of lending. Obligations on operating lease have no impact upon the total accounts payable of an enterprise, which allows unimpeded borrowing of additional credit funds for the needs of primary production.

Due to its simplicity and efficiency, leasing allows the lessees to regularly update their enterprise’s fixed assets in accordance with the latest market requirements, which provides considerable competitive advantages.

Lease agreement is more flexible than loan agreement or credit agreement. It gives an opportunity to elaborate more suitable payments schedule for the parties allowing coordination and optimization of the lessee’s long-term strategy.

Upon expiry of the validity term of a lease agreement, the title in property (as preferred by the lessee) may be transferred to the lessee at inconsiderable residual value taking into account the residual amount of lease fees and the lessee’s preferences concerning the liquidation value. Market value of a leased facility in 2-3 years of operation usually constitutes 40% to 65% of its initial value.

In case of receiving property by way of leasing, a lessee shall automatically obtain a set of additional services on transportation, customs clearance, insurance, state registration etc. All actions, which a buyer has to make individually in case of property purchase at the expense of own or credit funds, are made by employees of the leasing company in case of leasing.


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10.06.2015 За результатами діяльності підприємства в 2014 році Збори засновників Лізингової компанії «АТОН-ХХI» прийняли рішення  про участь підприємств в заходах, що будуть направлені на формування соціальної відповідальності бізнесу перед суспільством, зокрема в частині вирішення соціальних потреб населення з питань охорони здоров’я.

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20.05.2015 Лізингова компанія «АТОН-ХХI» пропонує для юридичних та фізичних осіб послуги оперативного та фінансового лізингу для придбання ЖИТЛОВОЇ та КОМЕРЦІЙНОЇ НЕРУХОМОСТІ – основні умови наступні:

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10.05.2015 Лізингова компанія «АТОН-ХХI», залучає на постійній основі грошові кошти для розширення існуючого бізнесу від фізичних та юридичних осіб.

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15.04.2015 Лізингова компанія «АТОН-ХХI» разом з ТОВ «ІНТЕР АВТО ТРЕЙДІНГ» розпочали спільну програму по реалізації на умовах оперативного та фінансового лізингу будь – які АВТОБУСИ марок ЕТАЛОН, БОГДАН, ПАЗ, РУТА та інші модифікації, АВТОМОБЛІЛІ  марок ISUZU, HUANDAI, ГАЗ, ТАТА  та інші, ФУРГОНИ будь – яких модифікацій та видів. Строк лізингу – до 48 місяців, авансовий платіж – від 25% вартості автомобіля, здороження – від 9,5 % в рік в гривні.


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