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Reshaping the Business Environment – The Ukrainian Journal of Bussines Law
In Focus (#07-08 July-August 2014)

Reshaping the Business Environment

Competition policy is the main economic policy domain that shapes business environment in a country. It affects big business, strategic and sensitive markets, eliminating distortions of market power abuse.

Over the last couple of years many pieces of comparative research of Ukrainian competition law with best international practices have shown that legislation was, to a great extent, designed in line with European standards. The anticipated changes are likely to be accurate and not drastic. By contrast, the public’s attention is fixed on reformatting the regulator — the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. The authority accumulated a lot of power and transparency of its activities was expressly questioned. The unique importance of the regulator’s future policy is proven by the fact that the post of its chair has remained vacant (as of the time of this issue going to print) since the new government came to power in spring.

The recently signed EU — Ukraine Association Agreement established a deep and comprehensive free trade area. And competition-related commitments will entail a new range of reforms in this area.

This UJBL issue provides for a variety of contributions from dedicated professionals as well as drawing upon the views of Igor Svechkar, who is a top competition lawyer in the country, in interview format.  


Happy reading,
Olga Usenko


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