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Energy Reforms coalition to present Ukraine’s progress on the EU acquis implementation | Ukrаїнська Energетика


Energy Reforms coalition to present Ukraine’s progress on the EU acquis implementation


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Experts and CSO representatives from Ukraine, united as the Energy Reforms coalition, will hold two discussions - in Vienna and Brussels - on the energy policy change in Ukraine, forced by crises in the supply of conventional fuels.


On Monday, November 24, in Vienna the team will present the most recent analytical report "Ukraine and Energy Community: it’s high time?" The discussion will focus on efforts made to reform Ukraine’s energy markets, and barriers to overcome for better integration.


The meeting will start at 14:30. Рarticipants include:


·         Janez Kopač, Director, Energy Community Secretariat

·         Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director, Energy Community Secretariat

·         Olena Pavlenko, President, Dixi Group

·         Roman Nitsovych, Program Manager, DiXi Group

·         Svitlana Golikova, Director, TransEnergoConsulting

·         Natalia Andrusevych, Chairman of the Board, Resource & Analysis Center "Society and Environment"

·         Georgiy Geletukha, Chairman of the Board, Bioenergy Association of Ukraine


Venue:  Energy Community Secretariat (Am Hof 4, Vienna)


On admission please contact Barbora Jaksova (+43 1 535 2222 15 or


On Tuesday, November 25, in Brussels the expert discussion "Ukraine and the European energy security: from cooperation to integration" will take place. The focus will be made on the roadmap for EU-Ukraine cooperation and European energy challenges of winter 2014/2015.


The meeting will start at 16:00. Рarticipants include:


·         Dr. Stefan Gehrold, Director, European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

·         Olena Pavlenko and Roman Nitsovych, DiXi Group

·         Svitlana Golikova, Director, TransEnergoConsulting

·         Natalia Andrusevych, Chairman of the Board, Resource & Analysis Center "Society and Environment"

·         Dr. Johannes Baur, Support Group for Ukraine, Energy, European Commission

·         Hans Rhein, Directorate General for Energy, Desk for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova,European Commission

·         Dr. Olena Prystayko, Executive Director, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels


Venue: IJzerlaan 11, 1040 Brussels, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung European Office


On admission please contact Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung European Office(+32 2 7430 743or


Both events will be held in the framework of the project "Improving implementation of Ukraine’s commitments within the Energy Community through enhancing impact of civil society", implemented by the DiXi Group think tank jointly with the Resource & Analysis Center "Society and Environment" with the financial support from the European Union.


* * *

Members of the Energy Reforms coalition has a vast expertise in energy and environmental sectors and promotes implementation of the commitments under the Energy Community Treaty. Starting from April 2014, the team of 18 experts has already suggested a number of initiatives and achieved some success:


- Ukraine’s government updated the action plan for implementation of the Energy Community acquis;


- the government also agreed to establish a multilateral working group for better communication and cooperation among the stakeholders (responsible ministries, business and civil society);


- a draft law on European procedures for environmental impact assessment was registered in the parliament;


- a new draft law on gas market provided by the Energy Community Secretariat, as well as number of energy efficiency initiatives are being prepared for registration.


Our activity also includes monthly and quarterly progress reports, high-level discussions, and awareness raising events. All the relevant information is available at



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