A medicine ball differs from an exercise ball and is designed for a different purpose. While an exercise ball is designed for balance, a medicine ball offers muscular benefits by toning and building strength in most of your major muscle groups. Medicine balls range in size and weight, making it easy to find one that aligns with your fitness goals. In general, start with a small and lightweight ball and work your way to larger and heavier versions as you gain strength and endurance. Include medicine ball bounces to work your upper and lower body at the same time.

Items you will need

  • Medicine ball
Step 1

Stand with your feet at hip-width and hold the medicine ball with both hands, elbows bent and pointing toward the floor. Make sure your palms face each other on either side of the medicine ball.

Step 2

Bend over at the hips and lower your body until you feel your heels begin to leave the floor. Keep your back straight, your face forward and your abdominal muscles engaged. At the same time, bring the medicine ball through your legs and behind your body, straightening your elbows.

Step 3

Swing the medicine ball over your head and back, straightening your elbows and raising your body to your toes. Your body should be leaning back slightly.

Try These Exercises!

  • Stretches to Improve Low Back Flexibility

  • Hamstring Stretches to Do at the Desk at Work

  • Inner & Outer Thigh Stretch

  • Stretches to Loosen Hips

Step 4

Swing your arms back over your head, lower from your toes, bend at the hips and slam the medicine ball to the ground. The ball should leave your hands and bounce on its own. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles engaged as you bend over. This movement should be explosive.


  • A variation of the medicine ball bounce involves jumping slightly as your bring the ball behind your head and landing as you slam the ball to the ground.
  • Test several medicine balls before choosing one, because some bounce better than others. In general, those made of rubber are better for bouncing than ones made with leather.
  • Do medicine ball bounces in an open area, such as your driveway or a gymnasium, with ample room for moving and keeping your ball from damaging anything around you.
  • Wear gym shoes while doing medicine ball bounces; they offer traction and reduce the risk of slipping or falling during the move.


  • American Council on Exercise: Overhead Medicine Ball Slams
  • American College of Sports Medicine: Selecting and Effectively Using a Medicine Ball
  • The Everything Krav Maga for Fitness Book; Nathan Brown

About the Author

Eliza Martinez has written for print and online publications. She covers a variety of topics, including parenting, nutrition, mental health, gardening, food and crafts. Martinez holds a master's degree in psychology.

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  • Gareth Copley/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images