Mind & Body

Go Your Own Way

There’s truly no better opportunity to get to know who you are than traveling by yourself.
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Group vacays have their place, but there’s truly no better opportunity to get to know who you are than traveling by yourself. We know—on-your-own jaunts can seem daunting and exhilarating at the same time. But if you take the leap and book the trip, you won’t regret it. A University of Florida study found that women who travel alone find the experience actually liberating, and not at all scary. Discover three of our favorite destinations. YOLO, solo!

Decompress on the beach: Key West, Fla.
SOLO APPEAL: Put your phone on airplane mode. Ah, that’s better. You’ll be able to chill by the waves for as long (or as little) as you like, without worrying about anyone else’s schedule.
WHAT TO DO: This laid-back locale has plenty of activities when you’ve gotten your fill of the sand. To switch it up, take a glass-bottom boat ride and marvel at the coral reefs or rent a bike to circumnavigate the island (it’s only 9.5 miles).
WHERE TO STAY: The Gardens Hotel, a former estate, is eco-friendly and centrally located smack in the middle of lush gardens. Sip coffee while gazing at beautiful foliage, then explore the on-site aviary—home to parrots. (Rooms from $165, gardenshotel.com)
WHERE TO EAT: Blue Heaven specializes in vegetarian dishes and Caribbean cuisine (remember, you’re only 90 miles from Cuba). Dine alfresco, surrounded by fruit trees—a perfectly good substitute for a tablemate. A friendly small beach town like Key West is also an ideal spot to dine with residents, points out Lisa Lubin, a frequent solo traveler who blogs about her jaunts at LLworldtour.com. “Check out mealsharing.com, where you can schedule a home-cooked dinner with a local,” she suggests.
HOW TO GET THERE: Major carriers fly to Miami International Airport. From there, you can take the scenic three-and-a-half-hour drive south or hop a connecting flight to Key West proper.


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