Mind & Body

Get Grounded

3 easy ways to tune in to the present moment.
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Ever feel like you’re moving through life at such a frenetic pace that you can’t get your feet under you? It’s time to wake up your first chakra, the energetic center at the base of your spine that keeps you connected to the planet.

“The first chakra governs our ability to be fully present in the here and now,” says psychologist Anodea Judith, Ph.D., author of Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn Publications). When it’s in balance, Judith says, you feel safe, energized and at ease in the world. To connect with this powerful energy center:

Go outside » “Our bodies were designed to work in nature,” Judith says. “We need that connection to stay healthy.” To make it tangible, kick off your shoes and walk in the grass, or stroll barefoot along the beach. With every step, remember that the Earth supports and sustains you.

Set some roots » The Sanskrit name for the first chakra—muladhara—means “root support,” says Judith. It’s a helpful image for a grounding meditation. Sit comfortably on the floor, close your eyes and breathe slowly and calmly as you visualize a system of roots growing out of the base of your spine and down to the center of the Earth. Imagine that the deeper your roots go, the higher your spirit can soar. “It is only by having roots that go deep into the Earth that the tree can grow toward the heavens,” Judith says.

Reach out and touch someone » “Touch is very grounding,” Judith says. “It reminds your brain to hook up with your body.” Treat yourself to a massage (or surprise your partner with one), make love, cuddle a child or hug a friend—you’ll instantly remember how good it feels to be present in your body, living in the moment.