Split box jumps are a high-intensity plyometric exercise that you can do either facing a plyometrics box or from side to side across the top of it. In their purest form, plyometrics involve loading the muscle -- say, when you come down from your box jump -- and then explosively and immediately releasing that energy as you jump again. Because of this, quality is far more important than quantity when doing split box jumps. Start with as few as 5 or 10 repetitions and slowly increase as you build the power, flexibility and endurance you need to do this exercise correctly.

Items you will need

  • Plyometrics box or sturdy aerobics step

Split Box Jumps

Step 1

Stand facing a plyometrics box. Plant your right foot solidly on the step and push up, jumping straight up onto the box.

Step 2

Switch legs in the air so you land with your left foot on the step, your right foot behind it on the floor. Your left foot, on the step, acts as the brake to slow your descent.

Step 3

Jump immediately, switching feet in the air to land with your right foot on the step, your left foot behind it on the floor. This time your right foot acts as the brake to slow your descent. This completes one repetition.

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Lateral Split Jumps

Step 1

Stand to the right side of the box or aerobics step. Bend your left knee and plant your foot solidly on top of the box.

Step 2

Press off with your left leg. Your body should continue traveling sideways to the left, over and across the box to the other side.

Step 3

Land with your right leg on the box and your left leg on the floor; your right leg is the brake that slows your descent. Repeat in the other direction, pushing off with your right leg to travel back over the box to the right, landing with your left leg on the box and your right leg on the floor. This completes one repetition.


  • YouTube: Split Box Jumps
  • YouTube: Lateral Split Box Jump
  • NYU Langone Medical Center: Power Through Plyometrics

About the Author

Marie Mulrooney has written professionally since 2001. Her diverse background includes numerous outdoor pursuits, personal training and linguistics. Mulrooney's publication credits include national magazines, poetry awards and a number of online publications.