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Services | Web Design and Website Development - Zeema Media

– Full range of web services


Corporate websites and portals

With 10 years of operations Zeema has become one of the leading companies at the Internet solution market in Ukraine.

When working on a project, we provide our clients with solutions for:
Project architecture;
Creative design and interface development;
Development and integration of systems and program modules;
Support and promotion by indirect methods;
Direct advertisement and media planning.


Optimization & promotion

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of measures aimed at adjusting (optimizing) internal website parameters: html code, content, and structure; as well as the measures aimed at improving external factors (raising website citation through development and launch of external link campaigns). It is all undertaken to take the website to the top search engines (?Google, Yandex) and keep it there.

We use only advanced, safe, and tested search optimization methods.
We not only guarantee promotion results in the form of TOP positions and hits by potential clients, but also bear financial liability as well as responsibility for safety and legality of the tools and/or methods we use.


Support & development

After the website is launched, we can offer ?optimal schemes for its information support and development. We offer 2 schemes: packaged support with a fixed subscriber fee or one-time works priced depending on their volume. One-time works are performed on arbitrary terms and conditions.

In case of the packaged support we provide monthly reporting documentation on the works we performed. It can also contain the performance analysis for current website services, suggestions as to their improvement and adaptation to the user's needs. Such suggestions are prepared based on hit statistics, visitor comments, and user-friendliness analysis for certain navigation tools. All these works together help not only understand the current situation but also what other useful works are in fact needed.

The information support may include:
news/article uploads;
website material publication and update, photo processing;
graphic package and banner development, uploads of information on current promos;
menu updates.



Basic Information

As a part of the technical support we can offer hosting services for your project. This condition is not obligatory, but we usually recommend our clients to use our services because it ensures your website reliablity. Besides, we can promptly respond and gain access to your website. For the client it means that only one person is responsible for their website performance.

Rates ?including VAT
200 Mb – 83 $/year;
500 Mb – 120 $/year;
over 1 Gb – 160 $/year.
No ?other restrictions applied.