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Not childish plays (rus)
December 2013

Правильное понимание предмета доказывания является залогом успешного рассмотрения заявления о возвращении ребенка на основании Гаагской конвенции 1980 года

Informational booklet of AGA Partners Law Firm (rus)
September 2013
AGA Partners Law Firm is proud to represent its informational edition - booklet, which contains information on the firm’s history, main fields of its legal practice, including articles on the practical aspects of the international trade and arbitration, as well as on the leading lawyers and managing partner of the firm.
Second edition of Family Law. Jurisdictional comparisons 2013 (eng)
September 2013

This is second comparative edition of family law in 46 of the world’s principal jurisdictions. It provides as essential resourse to family law professionals around the globe for the purposes of dealing with international cases.

The Ukrainian jurisdiction was presented by Aminat Suleymanova, Managing Partner of AGA Partners Law Firm, Ivan Kasynyuk and Irina Moroz, Senior Associates of AGA Partners Law Firm.

Interview with Aminat Suleymanova in newspaper Yuridicheskaya practika of 10.09.2013 (rus)
September 2013

International recognition

"We managed to minimise our legal practice in Ukrainian jurisdiction" - says Managing Partner of AGA Partners Law Firm, Aminat Suleymanova

Ivan Kasynyuk as an expert comments on arbitration issues in Yuridichna gazeta (ua)
April 2013
«Варто відзначити нещодавні позитивні зміни у законодавчій сфері» 

Можна простежити, що держави з найрозвиненішою системою міжнародного арбітражу у світі існують лише за умови сильної та незалежної судової влади, яка позбавлена пережитків корупції та тиску чиновницького апарату. В сучасній Україні нам необхідно ясно усвідомити цей очевидний взаємозв’язок для можливості створення сильної арбітражної юрисдикції.

Family Law. Jurisdictional comparisons (eng)
April 2013

This is the first comparative edition of family law in 31 of the world’s principal jurisdictions. It provides as essential resourse to family law professionals around the globe for the purposes of dealing with international cases.

The Ukrainian jurisdiction was presented by Aminat Suleymanova, Managing Partner of AGA Partners Law Firm and Ivan Kasynyuk, Senior Associate of AGA Partners Law Firm.

Individual approach to the prohibition clause in the international trade agreements (rus)
February 2013
В условиях современной международной торговли довольно часто встречаются ограничительные меры, осложняющие или делающие невозможным экспорт определенного вида товаров. Особенно важным и горячим этот вопрос является для экспортеров зерновых из Украины. Примерами ограничения экспорта могут быть: введение на Украине в 2008 и 2010 годах режима квотирования и лицензирования экспорта зерновых; запрет экспорта в Российскую Федерацию в 2010 году.
Clouding Albion (rus)
January 2013

Experience of Ukrainian agro holdings in the field of English law.

This article will address a fairly narrow topic, and even alien to many lawyers practicing in the field of Ukrainian law. However, it can be educational and fun for lawyers whose practice is related to the representation of clients in the English courts and international arbitration institutions, such as GAFTA, FOSFA and others.

Urgent matter (rus)
November 2012
While claiming to the GAFTA and FOSFA arbitration, you should pay special attention to timing of the initiation of the arbitration process. Timebar terms are of great essence when you have ready-to-go claim.
Property for two persons (rus)
June 2012
Even the exclusive private property right cannot save person from the necessity to jointly use mentioned property with its former spouse