Академічна рада програми

Ярослав Любінець
голова ради директорів SoftServe

Ярослав Любінець про програму MS in Technology Management:
 "LvBS “MS in Technology Management” program is a perfectly tailored syllabus, which covers business management, leadership development and technology vision enhancement aspects. This is a robust toolkit for IT professionals, enabling them to transform their first success into the achievements in global software business and corporate IT world." 

Всеволод Онишкевич
Керівник Технічного підрозділу Принстонського університету, підприємець, CEO

Всеволод Онишкевич про програму MS in Technology Management:
"The MS in Technology Management is the first of its kind in Ukraine, and much of Central/Eastern Europe. It is based on successful, innovative, programs which are found in many Western universities, and is targeted at future leaders – Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers – who will lead their organizations and transform their business strategically based on leveraging technology.  While it shares elements with MBA programs and engineering or computer science programs, it really focuses on the intersection of technology and strategy.  Be part of this new program!"

Софія Опацька
Директор Львівської Бізнес-школи УКУ

Софія Опацька про програму MS in Technology Management:
"Technology and Innovations very often go hand in hand. Being a school of Innovations LvBS see great need for well qualified, mature and inspiring managers for fast growing IT industry in Eastern Europe. I believe it will be program #1 in the region combining Technology Education and Business Education."

Андрій Ганкевич
Голова Наглядової Ради Львівського Кластера ІТБП
Arivo Solutions, CEO

Андрій Ганкевич про програму MS in Technology Management:
"Ukraine is known for it's strong education system, which holds some of the worlds finest engineering talent. What most keeps Ukraine from overtaking all other countries in the IT market-space is a lack of good Management. For decades, companies have been training management in-house to meet this challenge, and have been slowly achieving rank in the global market-space. The LvBS MS in Technology Management program will help fill this void by providing the platform on which to grow the next generation of world class management for a global IT arena."

Нестор Комарницький
Керівник IT Департаменту Group DF International Ukraine

Нестор Комарницький про програму MS in Technology Management:
"There are two categories of managers and companies.The first category adapts to change. It quickly reacts to new market reality, fights crisises, launches products similar to competition, etc. The second category has a vision and a power how to make this vision happen. One of the reasons why I was attracted to LvBS and to the MS in Technology Management is exactly this: we can bring up a number of new managers who then can do both very well subject to reality around them."

Василь Матяшовський
Академічний менеджер програми 

Василь Матяшовський про програму MS in Technology Management:
"This is first professional program in Technology Management with world-level faculties and business professionals.The program has strong focus on practice and application of gained knowledge on practice immediately. This program gathers the best world practices in Technology Management and brings them to Eastern Europe."