This version of the page ( stored by It represents a snapshot of the page as of 2013-10-09. The original page over time could change.
FBC Production
FBC Production


 We report current events in the country and the world daily providing useful information. Follow us for up-to-the-minute news.
“Weekly Digest”
We keep the viewers informed of news, issues, events, and activities related to or affecting the life in Ukraine weekly. Our well-known quests, politicians and economists, political scientists and sociologists provide comprehensive analyses of current and expected conditions for the Ukrainian citizens.
“Weekly World News”
Get the latest world news and analyses with non-stop coverage of everyday life. Here we see the world from different perspectives.
All the latest news, scores, rumors and more, about soccer, basketball, tennis, and other sports. Be the first ones to know.
Join us to entertainment news, gossip, and interviews from around the world, focusing on show-business.
We provide key economic news for this week. It is a legitimate source for really good information about business planning and forecasting.
“Business Weekly”
Business News in brief. Our journalists take an unsparing look at mergers, acquisitions, macro indicators, industrial success and failure.
“International Economics”
Our news helps you keep a finger on the market pulse. Top international economics news of the week, political trends, significant events.
Should you bundle up or take an umbrella? With weather forecasting you can plan ahead and stay safe and healthy.
“Film Industry”
All the latest celebrities news and everything that is going on in the world of film and awards.  
Focused Broadcast
“Mergers and Acquisitions”
Find the latest Mergers and Acquisitions news for business professionals. How updated million-dollar deals impact the market. Exclusive information about large companies takeovers that was supposed to be kept secret.
“Companies and Markets”
This is just the right place to get an objective perspective on the investment climate of Ukraine with an overview of different companies market position and their securities placement.
“Press Review”
The gist of Ukrainian popular informational-analytical business editions. Every morning what you need to know about the business world of Ukraine.
“News On-line”
Every evening you can see five top business news on FBC. This is the highest rated news in the Internet according to FBC.
This is a talk show with famous politicians, economists, businessmen and other well known experts. Here you can see everyone who plays a decisive role in the major decisions the country is facing.  
“Finances” provides a view on market trends and sales growth in different products. The experts discuss different organizations in a market and their levels of profitability.
“World Press Review”
Your guide to the world’s news in the international press, the global outlook in daily and weekly business newspapers.
“Astrum daily”
Financial and economic analysts provide professional overview of global stock trading floors and economic development in Ukraine and the world. Daily from Monday to Friday on FBC.
By Topic
“IT for your business”
This show is intended to be an IT market guide to help better understand its news and facts, and be the first ones to know the latest science and technology inventions.  
It is a weekly report on the terrible things that happened in the world, on how people tackled the problem and overcame the tragedy.
Get the latest car-news, auto-show updates, car reviews, racing news and cars that could be banned updates from “Auto-Life”
“Business Stories”
A business, like any other monetary deal, has its history and a story behind a person who started it. Here you can see how creative ideas are being put into action to achieve success.
Learn more about strong capital markets. Both the stock and bond markets offer for you a wide range of opportunities. This is look from Ukraine to achieve economic growth.
 Sectoral Product

“Power Fields”
Here you will find out about crude oil, natural gas, coal and other energy sources-that is everything that helps a country achieve its economic independence. Here we discuss Ukrainian resources, international contracts, world supplies and prices. 
“Real estate. Property styling and Interior Design”
Here you will see the latest interior design trends, ideas, contemporary architecture news and real estate pricing in Ukraine. 
Continually updated information about the latest transportation and automobile industry news, covering all manufacturers, shows, concept cars, and other.


Среда, 09 октября, 03:01
Температура, oC: 11..13
Давл., мм рт.ст.: 756-758
Влажность, %: 84-86
Погода в Украине