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Last entries - Photo UNIAN
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Cathalogue Countris Elections 2012

Last entries

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ID: 483508 / 20.05.2013
Turkish sailors
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483507 / 20.05.2013
Evgen Kinzerskyy and Sinan Syurer
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483506 / 20.05.2013
Turkish and Ukrainian sailors
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483505 / 20.05.2013
Turkish flag
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483504 / 20.05.2013
Turkish transport ship "Iskenderun"
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483503 / 20.05.2013
Turkish training ship "Sokullu Mehmet Pasha"
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483502 / 20.05.2013
Turkish guard
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483501 / 20.05.2013
Turkish sailors
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483500 / 20.05.2013
Turkish sailors
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483499 / 20.05.2013
Flags of Ukraine and Turkey
Ukraine / Odessa
Shepelev Aleksandr

ID: 483498 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483497 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483496 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483495 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483494 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483493 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483492 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483491 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483490 / 20.05.2013
Participants of the event
Ukraine / Sevastopol
UNIAN photo

ID: 483489 / 18.05.2013
Leakage salts from dump
Ukraine / Kalush
Kashuba Taras

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