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Order Paid Hosting Now, Dedicated Server, Certificate SSL — EthnoHosting | Hosting provider
+38 (044) 599 59 59

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Order Hosting Now

There is a list of hosting species, conditions and payment options of following services:

Paid Hosting
SSL Certificates Thawte & Comodo
Additional Services
Free Hosting

Pay your attention to the free hosting conditions.

Order Service Now

Paid Hosting

Fill the the request order of a Paid Hosting, the Virtual Dedicated Server or Dedicated Server Rent. Please, specify the tariff you would like and how a Domain Name would be connected with a hosting.

Domain: *
Tariff: *
  VIP-Support (€ 199,50/year)
* — required to fill

SSL Certificate Thawte & Comodo

Fill the the request order of SSL Certificate Comodo or Thawte. The invoice will be sent to You. Please, indicate your e-mail and phone number and EthnoHosting manager
contacts to you.

Certificate: *


Domain: *
  VIP-Support (€ 199,50/year)
* — required to fill

Additional Hosting Services

At the customer’s request additional services are also provided for besides those features provided in tariff, namely: the additional traffic, additional hard disc quuta on the hard drive server, activation of additional mailboxes and databases, as well as VIP-service support. Our clients can order such services contacting Technical Support..

Free Hosting

For non-commercial projects, we offer free hosting. The conditions listed in section Free Hosting. If you represent the author's project or the Internet community - write to request for free hosting at .

Принимаем к оплате

Вы можете оплатить услуги хостинга, регистрации доменных имен или SSL-сертификаты кредитной картой, webmoney или банковским переводом.