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Ощадний Банк України / Про Ощадбанк

Мапа регіональних управлінь
(укр / eng)
Мапа сайту
Ощадбанк розпочинає кредитування громадян на придбання житла в об’єктах компанії ТММ під 12% річних
Депозитний портфель фізичних осіб Головного управління по м. Києву та Київській області АТ “Ощадбанк” досяг 3 млрд. грн.
Донецьке обласне управління Ощадбанку презентувало альтернативні методи приймання комунальних платежів

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Supervisory Council

Supervisory Council
The Supervisory Council is responsible for general management matters with the exception of matters that are designated by law and Oschadbank’s charter as being the exclusive responsibility of the shareholders’ meeting.
The Supervisory Council is not directly involved in the operational activities of the Bank but plays a significant role in supervising the activities of the Bank. The responsibilities of the Supervisory Council include the following: 
  • supervising the activities of the Management Board in order to protect the interests of the State as sole shareholder of the Bank;
  • setting guidelines and targets relating to the Bank’s activities and approving reports relating to such guidelines and the attainment of targets;
  • handling the appointment and resignation of the Chairman of the Board;
  •  handling the appointment and resignation of the members of the Board in accordance with the recommendations of the Chairman of the Board;
  • approving the Bank’s annual results, including those of any subsidiaries;
  • approving the distribution of earnings and the terms and procedures for the payment of dividends;
  • decisions with regard to any changes in the Bank authorized capital;
  • making amendments and additions to the Bank Charter;
  • decisions with regard to suspension of the Bank’s activity.
Members of the Supervisory Council of JSC "Oschadbank 
Chairman of the Supervisory Council
Oleksandr Rybak
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Council
Anatoliy Lytiuk
Iryna Akimova
Yuriy Bordiuhov
Danylo Volynets
Pavlo Haidutsky
Oleh Koshelenko
Oleksandr Kushnirenko
Kostiantyn Liubchenko
Andriy Portnov
Ihor Sotulenko
Viktor Fedosov
Serhiy Kharchenko
Valery Khoroshkovsky
Serhiy Chekashkin
Copyrights (c) 2006 ВАТ "Ощадбанк"
Розроблено в Finport Technologies Inc.