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  1. 2011-11-12 // Screen выпустила новую CtP-систему для флексографии
    Компания Screen выпустила на рынок новую термальную CtP-систему, предназначенную для изготовления флексоформ...
  2. 2011-11-12 // Камера с мгновенной печатью от Polaroid
    Компания Polaroid показала 14-мегапиксельную цифровую фотокамеру, которая может меньше за минуту распечатать снимок, благодаря встроенному цветовому принтеру...
  3. 2011-11-12 // Flint Group выпустила новую флексокраску для печати сумок
    В ассортименте компании Flint Group появилась новая сольвентная флексокраска PamioStar Outdoor...
  4. 2011-11-12 // Phaser 7800 – новый лазерный принтер от Xerox
    Корпорация Xerox объявила о выходе нового цветного лазерного принтера, предназначенного для печати на рекламных, POS-материалах и упаковке...
  5. 2011-11-12 // Моментальная печать видеороликов
    Дизайнер по имени Ким Хьюн Джунг (Kim Hyun Joong) вспомнил об устройстве, которое радовало нас многие десятилетия...
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About Magazine


Professional polygraphic magazine "
Graphic machines" is free advertising publication, which distributed around Ukraine; its edition is 6000 copies. On its pages You will find the information concerning the newest polygraphic technologies, news of the polygraphic world, information about particularized exhibitions, paper and packing, expendable materials and spare parts.

We can present You the information concerning purchasing and selling of polygraphic equipment, polygraphic and advertising services.

The magazine has a free distribution around  the printing-houses and enterprises of Ukraine, which connected with polygraphic branch, therefore it is the simplest and the most popular way of getting the information concerning the purchasing and selling of polygraphic equipment at the territory of Ukraine and abroad. The active participation of the publication at the different thematic exhibitions allows us dynamically react to the changes in the modern polygraphic courses.


Magazine edition6000 copies
Publication periodicity10 times a year

Information about the publisher

Private enterprise «Cherkassy Informational Systems» presents its services  at the polygraphic equipment market during eight years. During this period of time enterprise got a great experience in this sphere and got a trust of the country and foreign firms. As our customers we gave polygraphic enterprises, publishing houses and advertising agencies of Ukraineand near abroad. Work with experienced specialists and engineers, flexible conditions of contract delivery, considered service make our work accessible and profitable for every polygraphic worker.