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Today: August 28, 2011

09 june, 2011

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13 january, 2011
Yevdokimov, Klimenyuk & Partners LLP

Law For You. Not You for the law. Yevdokimov Klimenyuk & Partner`s...
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Areas of practice

  Accounting services
  Administrative law
  Adoption, guardianship, trusteeship
  Agricultural law
  Air law
  Antimonopoly law
  Arbitration, international arbitration
  Auditor services
  Bankruptcy, readjustment of enterprises
  Bank law
  Bills of exchange
  Citizenship, immigration
  Civil law
  Civil procedure
  Commerce (business) procedure
  Commerce (business) law
  Constitutional law
  Contract law
  Copyright and allied rights
  Corporate law
  Criminal law
  Currency transactions
  Draft law work
  Drafting legal documents
  Due diligence
  Education law
  Environmental law
  European law
  European court of human rights
  Expert valuation of property
  Family law
  Finance law
  Foreign-economic activity
  Honor protection, repaire of moral damage
  Housing law
  Intellectual property
  Judgments enforcement
  Labor law
  Land law
  Law of customs
  Legalization of documents
  Maritime law
  Mass media
  Medicine, public health
  Merger, acquisition of companies
  Natural resources, minerals industry
  Notarial services
  Off-shore companies
  Patent law
  Pensions, social security
  Private international law
  Protection of consumers
  Publishing of legal literature and press
  Real estate
  Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments
  Registration, reorganization, liquidation of legal entities
  Securities and stock exchange
  Seminars conducting activity
  Show business, entertainment law
  Sport law
  Succession (inheritance) law
  Taxation (revenue) law
  Telecommunications, Internet
  Traffic accidents
  Unfair competition

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