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Foreign books. Книги о Foreign books.
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КАТАЛОГForeign books
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A Dictionary of Accounting (Oxford) (Roger Hussey)
This authoritative dictionary will be invaluable to a range of students and professionals in the world of accounting and finance. Now substantially updated and expanded for this new edition, it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of accounting available in paperback.
170 грн
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A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice. (Michael Armstrong, Tina Stephens)
A definitive text, this handbook provides guidance on the various approaches one can use in developing and managing reward strategies, policies, and processes. This book is not only practical, but... it has become a creative and essential item for those who need to build upon their own ideas relating to reward management.
370 грн
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A HANDBOOK of ENGLISH for everyday communication.(Larissa Dovgoruk)
Мета посібника - допомогти розвинути уміння і навички усного мовлення. Діалоги, тексти і вправи побудовані на лексико-граматичних структурах, які найбільш уживані в розмовній мові та мають чітку комунікатвну спрямованість. Посібник розрахований на студентів вищих навчальних закладів, а також на широке коло осіб, що вдосконалюють свої знання з англійської мови. Зокрема, рекомендується особам, які з різних причин (відрядження, туризм,навчання) їдуть за кордон.
55 грн
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Audacity of Hope. by Barack Obama
This title presents Barack Obama's political vision for the future of America.If Barack Obama is successful in his quest to become President of the United States, he will dramatically change the face that his country presents to the world.In this bestselling book, Obama discusses the importance of empathy in politics, his hopes for a different America with different policies, and how the ideals of its democracy can be renewed.With intimacy and self-deprecating humour, Obama describes his experiences as a politician, about balancing his family life and his public vocation. His earch for consensus and his respect for the democratic process inform every sentence. A senator and a lawyer, a professor and a father, a Christian and a sceptic, Barack Obama has written a book of transforming power that will inspire people the world over. It is an autobiography and covers politics.
198.5 грн
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Brilliant Start-Up: How to Set Up and Run a Brilliant Business
After the initial thrill of the idea, starting-up in business can seem a daunting, lonely, and risk-strewn path. The sole mission of Brilliant Start-Up is to give you full support every step of the way by making the whole process easier, meaning you remain inspired and on the road to success. Brilliant Start-Up is structured around 8 practical stages that budding start-ups should go through, from the first idea to successful trading. The author Caspian Woods is a renowned entrepreneur and this book includes his vast experience of starting businesses, coaching new start-ups and interviewing hundreds of successful entrepreneurs from Bob Geldof to Phillip Green.
65 грн
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