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Our Guarantees - Paintings for sale art gallery - buy paintings, painting art for sale. Original paintings and other art works by famous ukrainian artists.


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Privacy Policy
Our main target is full secrecy and protection of your information.

Safe Shopping Guarantees
We guarantee that any money transfer made at will be absolutely secure and protected.

Free Worldwide Delivery sends purchased works of art free to any country, if total purchase amount exceeds 500 USD.

Money Back Guarantee provides a possibility to refund your money within 3 days, if, due to some reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase.

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Our Guarantees

Privacy Policy fully understands how important information secrecy is for each of our customers and partners. Thus, our main target is full secrecy and protection of your information. We shall never use any obtained information commercially, share or sell it to any third parties. Our main goal is ensuring maximum comfort to our customers, and therefore you may be absolutely sure that we shall provide complete information secrecy. makes everything possible and takes all necessary steps to protect your information against disclosure, alteration and unauthorized access.

If you have any questions or wish to get more detailed information, please contact us at:
Tel: +31639426605

Safe Shopping Guarantees

We cooperate with Pay Pal, secure online payment system. Pay Pal's Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is one of the best products dedicated to online money transfers security currently available in the market. The product enciphers your personal information, including credit card number, name and address, so it may not be read during its transfer via Internet.

Free Worldwide Delivery sends purchased works of art free to any country, if total purchase amount exceeds 500 USD. We cooperate with leading organizations providing high-quality deliveries within shortest possible terms.

These are: DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS

Every work of art is packed by hand in ultra strong materials, applying special technologies, and then carefully transported. Thus, you may be absolutely sure that your purchase will be delivered undamaged within specified terms.

Money Back Guarantee provides a possibility to refund your money within 3 days, if, due to some reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase. This offer is valid within 3 days only from the date when you received the purchased good and informed us whereof at Tel: +31639426605 or shall refund the money, but we should receive the purchased good in its original condition, i.e. undamaged, and you shall pay full cost of sending the purchased good back to our company. You also may exchange your purchased good with any other art work, and we will be happy to help you in choosing our best product. We are sure, however, that you will be fully satisfied with your purchase and will need not use this service.

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