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HISTORY OF JUDO » Сайт ДЗЮДО (СК Европа) | Одесса | Дзюдо Одесса | Judo Odessa | Дзюдо Украина | Дзюдо в Одессе | Дзюдо в Украине | Judo Ukraine



Founder of judo

Founder of judo Jigoro Kano(1860-1938)

Waht is judo

Judo – is one of the Japanese sport types, which was founded back in the XIX century. The founder of the modern "judo" is considered to be Dzigoro Kano (1860-1938). He tried to combine Japanese traditions with the modern time. The term "judo" Kano treated like "beauty way", "soft way".
Having studied the known at that times style "ju-jutsu", the Master excluded from this wrestle the most dangerous hits and made judo affordable, exciting sport. New smart system, without cruel sleights, excluded hard traumas or lethal end.
Within decades were formed special rules of behavior, judo traditions. As a result it was established the unique CODE OF HONOR.



Judo in XX century

In 1911 Dzigoro Kano established Japanese sport association and became its president. Upto 1922 Kano cultivated and improved different sleights, aiming this type of wrestle to be quite simple and maximum practical in use. At the same period of time judo becomes more popular also in Europe.

Shortly before the Second World War Kano tried to pick International Olympic Committee’s interest to the new sport discipline. But in 1938 on the way back from the meeting of Olympic Committee, in Cairo, he died on board of the vessel. During the Second World War the wide spreading of this sport terminated. Nevertheless, learning of this skill was obligatory in many armies as training.

Judo after World War II

In 1947 Japanese coaches arrived to American military bases, teaching soldiers and officers the sleights of wrestle, which became a new impulse of judo renaissance.

There were renewed competitions in the whole Japan and in 1948 the First After War Championship was held.

In the same year it was established the European Judo Union. At present, European Judo Union unites more than 30 countries.
The grand event in the development of judo was organization of "International Judo Federation", which accounted more than 100 countries among its members.
This sport was included in Olympic games at the championships in Tokyo in 1964, as a national sport discipline of the Olympic games’ hostesses. The dream of Dzigoro Kano became true.

But 15 years before this event there were established Japanese and European Judo Federations.
The International Judo Federation started its work in 1951. In 1956 was held the 1-st Judo World Championship, and since 1962 – Europe Championships.

Today judo is one of the most popular sports. Those who esteems in wrestling not only physical strength, but intellect, honor and mutual respect give their preferences to judo.

Nowadays more than 194 countries became members of International Judo Federation.
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