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Сьогодні: 08.05.2010
Головна •  
Про комісію  •  
Структура НКРЗ  •  
Державна інспекція зв’язку  •  
Український державний центр радіочастот  •  
Діяльність комісії  •  
Прес-служба  •  
Нормативна база  •  
Євроатлантична інтеграція  •  
Радіочастотний ресурс  •  
Порядок ліцензування та реєстрації  •  
Взаємоз’єднання телекомунікаційних мереж загального користування  •  
Оператори і провайдери  •  
Сертифіковані засоби телекомунікацій та поштового зв’язку  •  
Номерний ресурс  •  
Реєстр виданих ліцензій  •  
Тарифне регулювання та взаєморозрахунки  •  
Регуляторна діяльність  •  
Звітність операторів телекомунікацій  •  
Державні закупівлі  •  
Робочі групи НКРЗ  •  
Науково-технічна рада НКРЗ  •  
Громадська рада при НКРЗ  •  
Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Актуальні питання регулювання у сфері телекомунікацій та користування радіочастотним ресурсом» (2010 р.)  •  
International scientific conference “Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage” May, 2010.
Робота із споживачами та зверненнями громадян  •  
Запитуєте-відповідаємо  •  
Запобігання проявам корупції  •  
Бюлетень НКРЗ  •  
Адміністративні послуги  •  
Каталог послуг  •  
Оголошення  •  
Вакансії  •  
Перепідготовка та підвищення кваліфікації  •  
Законодавство ЄС у галузі зв’язку  •  
Меморандум про принципи діяльності операторів та провайдерів телекомунікацій  •  
International scientific conference “Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage” May, 2010.

The Third Scientific Conference “Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage” was held on June, 2009. The Conference was organized by the National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine in cooperation with the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies”, the State University of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and the Odessa National Communications Academy n.a O. Popov.

Representatives of governmental authorities, higher educational establishments, scientific and scientific production centres and institutions, subjects of telecommunications market of Ukraine and public organizations took part in the Conference. Participants exchanged the views on the challenging issues regarding the state of development of telecommunications market, tariffs regulation, telecommunications services quality control, regulation of radio frequency and numbering resource usage, interaction and interconnection of telecommunications operators networks, development of next generation networks, state supervision in the area of communications.

Taking into account international nature of the issue on regulation in telecommunications area, necessity of taking into account the world tendencies of modern telecommunications technologies development, international standardizing organizations groundwork usage with purpose of services quality enhancement, by the results of the Third International Scientific Conference the decision to invite representative of other countries regulatory authorities to the following Fourth Scientific Conference was made.

Carrying out of the International Scientific Conference “Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage” is planned for the period from 18th till 20th of May in 2010. To be the venue for the Conference plenary meetings and the place for guests accommodations one of the best Kyiv hotels - President-Hotel - was defined. The hotel is situated in the historical centre of the city, in Pechersk District, in 15 minutes walk from the Independence Square.

It is planned that the Conference schedule will include both work of plenary meetings and of separate sections on the following subjects:

Section 1. Access to telecommunications markets and carrying out of state supervision in the area of communications.

-    analysis of systems of carrying out of state supervision in telecommunications areas; usage of the radio frequency resource and postal service;
-    organizational and functional structure of cooperation between telecommunications market players.

Section 2. Telecommunications services quality control and telecommunications networks parameters measurement. Convergence of telecommunications services and networks. NGN development and networking.
-    legal requirements for telecommunications services quality control;
-    competence of government authorities and services quality control regulation;
-    main principles and trends of development of requirements for telecommunications services quality and quality control arrangement. Challenges and perspectives;
-    legal settlement of the issue regarding procedure of telecommunications networks parameters measurement;
-    cooperation between telecommunications operators within fixed and mobile networks convergence, roaming arrangement in mobile networks;
-    challenges and perspectives for NGN elements (facilities) introduction in telecommunications networks.

Section 3. Efficiency of use of radio frequency resource and introduction of modern radio technologies.

Subsection 3-A. Regulatory aspects of the efficient use of radio frequency resource.
-    license requirements for the efficient use of radio frequency resource (indicators of radio frequency resource development, control for indicators fulfillment, measures against non-fulfillment of license requirements);
-    economical levers for efficient use of radio frequency resource (license fee for radio frequency resource usage, amount of monthly fee for radio frequency resource usage, other fees);
-    problem issues on introduction of new radio communications technologies.

Subsection 3-B. Technologic aspects of the efficient usage of radio frequency resource.
-    experience on introduction of new radio communications technologies;
-    ensuring for compatibility of new and acting communications technologies;
-    modern concepts and trends for development of communications systems;
-    assessment of efficiency of new and perspective technologies of communications.

Section 4. Convergence of telecommunications services and networks. Regulation of numbering resource and telecommunications networks interconnection.

-    access to telecommunications infrastructure;
-    status of numbering resource regulation and telecommunications networks interconnection;
-    interconnection and interaction of telecommunications operators’ networks;
-    expertise within pre-trial settlement of operators’ disputes;
-    introduction of service codes and codes of telecommunications operators’ networks.

Section 5. Areas of tariff policy and regulation in the area of telecommunications.
-    tariff regulation system;
-    mutual settlements between telecommunications operators;
-    accounting separation of telecommunications operators’ (providers’) revenues and costs.

Section 6. Regulatory and methodical aspects of telecommunications markets analysis procedure.
-    the provision of the laws of the foreign countries on powers of national regulatory authorities (NRA) relating analysis of telecommunications markets. Patterns of relevant regulatory decisions;
-    justification of regulatory decisions. Best practices of methodological approaches (procedures, methodologies, assessment criteria and its indices) applying for:
definition of the telecommunications markets which are appropriate for analysis with a view of ex-ante regulation;
carrying out analysis of these markets including determination of operator with significant market power and imposing relevant regulatory  obligations;
-    NRA practical experience on issues in that questions:
-    the arrangement of process for collecting and reporting of telecommunications operators (providers) and other information which is used by NRA for markets analysis, including blanks of reporting forms, models of specialized technical maintenance.

Section 7. Implementation of informational and analytical systems in the area of communications regulation.

-    subsystems of reception and storage of report data from economic subjects; numbering resource register; registers of radio electronic facilities and emitters;
-    technical data security issues on automated information systems.

The National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine (NCCR) invites everybody who is interested in further development of communications sector to take part in the International Scientific Conference “Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage” in the period from 18th till 20th of May in 2010.

To participate in the Conference please fill in the registration form of the Conference participant and send it via fax or email to the NCCR.

Draft Agenda

Practical Information


Hotel reservation Form and Transfer

Registration Form

For further information regarding carrying out of the Conference please visit the NCCR website (www.nkrz.gov.ua), ird@nkrz.gov.ua.

Postal address: 3, Solomianska str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110

Yours faithfully,
Organisational Committee

Note: Deadline for submission of short version of reports is extended till 31st March 2010.


Надрукувати документ

Інформація про порядок ліцензування та реєстрації
Бюлетень НКРЗ
Тарифне регулювання та взаєморозрахунки
Державна інспекція зв'язку
Державний університет інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Український державний центр радіочастот
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29 квітня відбулося чергове засідання НКРЗ
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Укладення угоди про партнерство між НКРЗ та АМКУ щодо розвитку добросовісної конкуренції
ПРЕС-РЕЛІЗ до презентації Річного звіту НКРЗ за 2009 рік та визначення пріоритетів роботи на 2010 рік
  © 2008. Права на всі матеріали, розміщені на сайті належать Національній комісії з питань регулювання зв'язку України.

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З адміністративних питань звертайтесь, будь ласка, за адресою office@nkrz.gov.ua.