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Conversational etiquette :: Etiquette - п»ї




Шампанское Veuve Clicquot лоран перье .

Conversational etiquette

Have you ever been in situation when you meet beautiful young people, you are fascinated by them but only until the moment when they begin to speak? Such a situation can be, unfortunately, seen daily on public transport as well as on the street. This happens because young people do not know how or unwilling to talk culturally.

Therefore, an appropriate short phrase: "Talk and I will see you."

A lot of things in your live depends on the ability to communicate. Communication is a bridge to find friends, achieve you're your desired (work, career, life) goals. Communication ability makes you interesting to other people and helps to win their respect and authority. So no wonder to say that communication is an art.

The art of communication also consists with the general intelligence, education. That will help you to support a conversation and use the correct conversational tone: do not shout and don't irritate your conversational "partner".

When you're talking to someone in society, it is important to focus on the topic of conversation, participate in it, support it, and give some new moments in it. This will be a "green light" for continuing some relationships with you.

Before telling any jokes or stories, you should be confident that they will not harm or be abusive for your companions.

When you are asked a question it's a bad tone not to answer it. This is allowed only if the question in your opinion was incorrect or abusive. In such a case, you should left it unattended and try to transfer the conversation in another direction.

When you are taking part at conversation you should not interrupt your companion - you have to wait until he will finish his statement.

Unfortunately, today we are faced with youth slang in communications, which consists of rough words, foreign words, which are used in different, sometimes abusing, meanings. For some reason some young people think that that this kind of communication is modern and fashionable.

And now our responsibility is to revive the lost conversational traditions. We have to force people not to blindly copy someone's manner of talking, and remember the cultural norms and talk correctly.

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